Offline Marketing - Media/Materials


New member
Apr 7, 2009
I have a chance to do a site for a very well known and established local restaurant. In exchange for a large discount or free site, I would possibly be able to market to the restaurant's established business lunch and after work drinking crowd.

But that's just about where my experience falls off the cliff. Naturally, I will get the word of mouth referral and footer link. But what can I do to capitalize on the opportunity?

An insert on the menu or stand near the door seems lame. But who knows, it might work.

I know the standard response. Test and figure it out myself. But if anyone has any suggestions on media or materials or placement, that would be wicked cool.

Some sacrificial hotties for the WF gods.


Business cards that are printed with the restaurant's style. "Restaurant XYZ is getting its site redone, and has set up a killer deal for clients: go to b_sun's website and enter the code <Restaurantname> or call ###-###-#### and mention us to get a 1hour free consultation and an $80 discount on creating your site".

Also, get the owner himself to ask some of the clients he's friendly with if they're looking for web design. The whole point is to leverage their relationship with the clients to give you social proof.