Offline Ads For Mortgage Leads Revised

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New member
Jun 12, 2007
I posted several weeks ago concerning offline advertising with mortgage leads. The post recieved some interest so I decided to post a new method that I am using that is getting me better response than before.

If you remember the post I do all my mortgage lead generation through offline advertising (PPC is way to expensive for these keywords). For the last few years I have just thrown a normal mortgage ad in the real-estate section of the papers I use. Recently I had a few of my big lead generating papers crack down on my mortgage loan ads in the real-estate section and place me in the services section. This totally killed my numbers. So this is what I did to get back in the real-estate section where the leads flow in like water.
  1. Find a local or regional real estate website that contains picture post
  2. Save a few of the picture of the home and their sales information
  3. Design a simple webpage and place a few of the pictures of the home and the sales information on the page
  4. Place your mortgage lead affiliate link under the sales information stating something like "RECIEVE PRE-QUALIFICATION FOR THIS HOME NOW"
  5. Now place your ad in the real-estate section of your newpapers. This ad will appear to be a normal real-estate sales ad. Here is an example:
Beautiful 3bed Home For Sale
3bed 2bath home for sale in
glenwood area. must sell now!
view at www mypage dot com​

I have recieved up to 400 uniques a day using this method. My lead generation has at time doubled with this method. This method has also worked for me in not only mortgage lead generation but a few other affiliate programs as well:

* forclosure list affiliate leads
* free credit report leads

Hope this gave you guys some ideas
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I posted several weeks ago concerning offline advertising with mortgage leads. The post recieved some interest so I decided to post a new method that I am using that is getting me better response than before.

If you remember the post I do all my mortgage lead generation through offline advertising (PPC is way to expensive for these keywords). For the last few years I have just thrown a normal mortgage ad in the real-estate section of the papers I use. Recently I had a few of my big lead generating papers crack down on my mortgage loan ads in the real-estate section and place me in the services section. This totally killed my numbers. So this is what I did to get back in the real-estate section where the leads flow in like water.
  1. Find a local or regional real estate website that contains picture post
  2. Save a few of the picture of the home and their sales information
  3. Design a simple webpage and place a few of the pictures of the home and the sales information on the page
  4. Place your mortgage lead affiliate link under the sales information stating something like "RECIEVE PRE-QUALIFICATION FOR THIS HOME NOW"
  5. Now place your ad in the real-estate section of your newpapers. This ad will appear to be a normal real-estate sales ad. Here is an example:
Beautiful 3bed Home For Sale
3bed 2bath home for sale in
glenwood area. must sell now!
view at www mypage dot com​

I have recieved up to 400 uniques a day using this method. My lead generation has at time doubled with this method. This method has also worked for me in not only mortgage lead generation but a few other affiliate programs as well:

* forclosure list affiliate leads
* free credit report leads

Hope this gave you guys some ideas
Thanks for sharing, offline lead generation always interests me. Been meaning to give a few different things a try myself, I'll let you know the results when I do.
I have also been looking into going offline with some local advertising and just wasn't sure of the best way to go about it without looking like a total ass who is just out to scam you or what not. Nice idea with the homes, will try and let everyone know.
Thanks for sharing! This is on my list of things to do and I will report back once things get rolling.
LeadPoint gives their sellers a unique 800 number that you can plaster everyone -- online and off. The New York Times for example is running the phone numbers with LeadPoint in their remnant offline inventory and doing well...
if you don't mind sharing, what kind of conversion rates are you getting (uniques to leads?). my google mortgage leads campaign isn't working nearly as well as i would have guessed it would have....
For us that don't know much about offline advertising what's "remnant offline inventory"

LeadPoint gives their sellers a unique 800 number that you can plaster everyone -- online and off. The New York Times for example is running the phone numbers with LeadPoint in their remnant offline inventory and doing well...

you do realize that mortgage leads is one of the most saturated niches, correct?

i'm full aware. we are just porting our ppc expertice in other areas both in and out of real estate to see what we can do here....i know of some people doing several hundred leads a day via ppc so obviously it can be very profitable if done right.
what's "remnant offline inventory"

rem·nant Pronunciation[rem-nuh
nt] Pronunciation –noun 1.a remaining, usually small part, quantity, number, or the like. 2.a fragment or scrap. 3.a small, unsold or unused piece of cloth, lace, etc., as at the end of a bolt. 4.a trace; vestige: remnants of former greatness. –adjective 5.remaining; leftover.
Remnant inventory - most newspapers can't sell every inch they have to print so they sell it at a discount or run BS stull like "subscribe today and get a kick in the ass" or something like that. You can pick up that ad space cheap (like 25% of the normal price) but granted most of this ad space usually isn't high profile but who cares - if you get a debt voice lead from LeadPoint, they'll pay you $50+ for that. As with everything, it's ROI based- buy low, sell high.
i'm full aware. we are just porting our ppc expertice in other areas both in and out of real estate to see what we can do here....i know of some people doing several hundred leads a day via ppc so obviously it can be very profitable if done right.

Yep, several hundo a day is possible still but you have to be pretty sophisticated to do that. You also have to have some buyers in line. Most folks aren't taking poor credit junk. The reality is most people are moving away from mortgage to education and auto leads as those are the next highest paying -- from a gross payout standpoint -- after mortgage.
Yep, several hundo a day is possible still but you have to be pretty sophisticated to do that. You also have to have some buyers in line. Most folks aren't taking poor credit junk. The reality is most people are moving away from mortgage to education and auto leads as those are the next highest paying -- from a gross payout standpoint -- after mortgage.

right now i'd be happy with 10-20 Cali A-paper leads a day :)
Do you ever get calls from realtors if the notice the picture of the house you have listed is something they are selling? or calls from agents asking about the property?

Can you just list a home with an MLS number?

These posts are helpful for coming up with ideas... thanks for posting.
Hi guys I am new to mortgage leads. Here is my question. What are some good lead networks?

I have been wanting to try offline advertising for some time and this idea is great. I would love to give it a try but need someone to sell the leads to. I already picked up leadpoint from above but are there any others?

ya purchase leads are hard to sell...i know of a few guys in the biz that pay 20 - 30 per refi and only $1 per purchase lead

Popeye have you ran into any problems with agents or anybody else getting pissed off that you are publishing / advertising a house without their permission?? or do you get their permission ??
I'm pretty new here but had an idea.

Has anyone thought of the idea of getting refi loan leads from the guys buying houses for cash. We have all seen the ads.

I buy ugly houses
cash in 24 hrs or less

The people selling houses are usually in a bad shape since these guys only pay about 80% of the value of the house. Anyone willing to do such is in a tight spot and need of either credit repair, refi, or bancrupcy info.

So you could either get the leftover leads (the houses that are too ugly) from the guys running the ad or run a similar ad :)

What do you think??

  1. Find a local or regional real estate website that contains picture post
  2. Save a few of the picture of the home and their sales information
  3. Design a simple webpage and place a few of the pictures of the home and the sales information on the page
  4. Place your mortgage lead affiliate link under the sales information stating something like "RECIEVE PRE-QUALIFICATION FOR THIS HOME NOW"
  5. Now place your ad in the real-estate section of your newpapers. This ad will appear to be a normal real-estate sales ad. Here is an example:
Beautiful 3bed Home For Sale
3bed 2bath home for sale in
glenwood area. must sell now!
view at www mypage dot com​

Great idea,

One of my mentors claims the best opportunities are offline.

I tied Google audio ad for a car insurance site last week. They bombed.

You never know til you try
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