Offers to run on social networking traffic??


New member
Jan 30, 2008
Houston, TX
Hello world

I have been unsuccessful in this AF stuff but I would like to make a last attempt here before I quit altogether.

I have a 300x250 ad spot with $3000 credit .75 CPM to US traffic on a social networking site. Tried to profit with some mobile crap, but it seems they're more or less dead now... I was hoping there was still something left but i'm pretty sure I missed out on that. so before I cancel, If anyone has something in mind I could try to run on US traffic (can target age group and gender as well) would you kindly let me know. i don't really like making these type of threads, because i'm probably just going to end up with a bunch of affiliate networks trying to push me to run "high converting hot offers" and the rest will just be noob bashers.. lol. what i was really hoping was for someone with a profitable campaign who's promoting on social traffic currently to help a brotha out. yeh.. otherwise i'm just going to cancel and have my money sent back tomorrow..


I assume you can target via age and gender. .75 CPM is pretty crappy to deal with especially for social networking traffic.

Highly targeted dating may work, but will have a 4 in 5 fail ratio

only other choice for that CPM is to target older women for Diet and skin flog rebills......

or maybe.. . . do a gimmicky google money lander.. targeted at the demographic... . like for example... . . hire some white trash dude to stand in front of a monster truck with a few beetches on his arm and talk about al lthe money he made posting links on google. and then target this to country music fans from texas....

Hello world

I have been unsuccessful in this AF stuff but I would like to make a last attempt here before I quit altogether.

I have a 300x250 ad spot with $3000 credit .75 CPM to US traffic on a social networking site.