Offer landing page setup

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Trying to make some moves
Nov 15, 2006
Hey WF,

Rather than buying and setting up a domain for each offer I'd like to promote, I was considering setting up a single generic domain running Word Press and each offer would be set up as a blog post. So basically, each post will become the landing page I'd send PPC traffic to.


Do you think this setup will work or am I better off buying a domain and building a blog around each offer? I'm just looking to save time not to mention money.


THis would work, but why go the wordpress route? You can group all your landing pages under one domain and call it a mall of offers or whatever. WP is overkill though in this, unless you can't do your own pages...
I've thought about this before, and would be curious to know the answer as well.

I'd think it might help with quality score, since you'd have a full website with a bunch of content on it.

One problem would be that a wordpress setup isn't the ideal landing page for a lot of offers out there, imo.

Good question, I hope someone can provide a good answer for you.
One disadvantage I can think of off hand is if your domain gets banned or dropped from Google for some reason then all of your eggs are in one basket. But if your just starting out trying to save money then I'd say try it.
One disadvantage I can think of off hand is if your domain gets banned or dropped from Google for some reason then all of your eggs are in one basket. But if your just starting out trying to save money then I'd say try it.

I see what you mean. In that case I'd have no choice but to break them down into seperate domains.
I run wordpress landing pages - but will set up different domains for different niches. ie. would have different posts for different beauty related affiliate offers, would only have tech related offers etc. This way all the content on a given domain is related.
I run wordpress landing pages - but will set up different domains for different niches. ie. would have different posts for different beauty related affiliate offers, would only have tech related offers etc. This way all the content on a given domain is related.

nice setup!
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