Off the Streets to Online - 1st Post - Would Love Some Input


New member
Jul 29, 2014
While I am no newbie to the Marketing World, I am quickly realizing the IM World is almost a completely different Universe.

I have done Guerrilla Marketing for over a handful of businesses, managed large corps marketing departments. Now, I am being introduced to the IM World and am at a loss as to where to dive in.

I have some ideas - particularly focused around Organization -- Home, Office, Life, etc.

I am contemplating trying to start by getting together some content, writing an E-book, putting together some Check Lists, Top Tips, and How-To's. OO maybe I could even set up a video series!

I think my biggest barriers are setting up the website... and getting away from seeing this as an actual service where I go help people organize.

I would love some insight as to what you think about my idea, what should be my next (or first, technically) steps, etc.

Also, for anyone that has done the more traditional style of marketing - what were your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

Directly plugging your comms to the distribution channels offers immediate and actionable feedback. This makes agile methodologies very suitable, opposed to extensive and meticulous planning. You can move at the speed of light, given you have the skillset. Technical knowledge is table stakes. HTTP, DOM, js events in addition to stats and visualization packages.

I'm an aspiring marketer, not an established one, so I'm not very credible, take this with a grain of salt.

an excellent blog to get you started with digital analytics - Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik - Digital Marketing and Analytics Blog Make sure to check out the knowledge section for a more structured view.