Occupation Reaction : How dumbasses/haters react to your profession


New member
Sep 23, 2009
new england
Don't get me wrong, respect begets respect. I'm never shy to throw out a handshake to a fresh face either. But I find, more often than I need, someone trying to discredit me/my profession of affiliate marketer (and everything it entails). 99% of the time these are people not in the industry. There's no basis to their actions. It's not like they found one of my (non) existent bizopp landing pages. I'm keen to sense it now, and it's usually in the form of some type of mockery. I know I can just avoid this altogether, but I find it hard to do, respectfully. I know I can't surround myself with like minds all the time.

And when they do come knockin, how do you guys break it down you are not going to help said person "make online monies" consulting with them for "10 hrs a week" or whatever it is they have in mind? I'm definitely not socially awkward in any situation, I'm just curious as to how you guys react to stuff like when you have a full time business to run.

Tell them you're a marine biologist. Or a police hostage negotiator. Or the man who inflates the bagpipes before the Scots guard go on parade.

Seriously? People only ask what do you do so they can work out where they stand socially in comparison to you. Say anything. Who cares?

I tell 'em I'm retired.
Honestly, when people ask me what I do...I simply say "I make websites show up on Google"

They are usually impressed and think its too technical to ask questions. Even if I did tell people I was a marketer or spammer - most would actually be pretty impressed.

I always thought "I make facebook ads" was a good conversation starter to get a girls facebook, but I've heard people on here talk about bad experiences with that.

I guess it depends on the crowd.
in time, people in your local area will come to understand what it means to run your business. until then, don't worry about it. i take it for granted here in SF that people understand affiliate marketing and domaining. those negative reactions stopped for me in about 2003 or 2004 as people came to recognize that the internet was not a "fad".
Just say you're in advertising ... sheeple won't ask any more questions. Depending on the person asking I also make up various stuff too. "I run the gay porn site your husband subscribes to" gets some great reactions if you don't give a shit about the person asking. Stuff like that.
People don't get it.

I am used to people who don't know shit about computers stare at me like deer caught in a headlight. (Happens when I talk about AM, development or project management)

But even people in the IT biz have no clue when I talk about getting paid for links, making money via amazon referrals, etc..

I just don't talk about it. I say I do freelance programming, which is also where a lot of my non-9to5 money is coming from these days.

It usually gets awkward when I explain to people what I do and they thought they understood it and try to make a conversation and it ends up nowhere near what I do so I just play along and be like "uhh yeah as long as the money is good".
i usually tell "those" idiots that i manage google advertising clients :p even though i dont. I tried explaining affiliate marketing once and failed, coz those retards thought its network marketing like amway lol. FML
My advice is just to avoid it all together unless they want business.
Just say your a marketing consultant. If they want to know more, say you help businesses get targeted leads/sales
"online advertising"

when asked to elaborate, say "companies pay me to handle their advertising budget"

don't know why anyone would say 'spammer' or 'webdesigner'. It's pretty easy to give a classy explanation and then just leave it at that.