Obama, you two-faced asshole.


Rape and Pillage Canada!
Dec 24, 2008
Las Vegas
California Pot Dispensaries Targeted by U.S.

SAN FRANCISCO—Federal prosecutors have launched a crackdown on pot dispensaries in California, warning the stores they must shut down in 45 days or face criminal charges and confiscation of their property even if they are operating legally under the state's 15-year-old medical-marijuana law.

In an escalation of the ongoing conflict between the U.S. government and the nation's burgeoning medical-marijuana industry, California's four U.S. attorneys sent letters Wednesday and Thursday notifying at least 16 pot shops or their landlords that they are violating federal drug laws, even though medical marijuana is legal in California. The attorneys are scheduled to announce their coordinated crackdown at a Friday news conference.
Their offices refused to confirm the closure orders. The Associated Press obtained copies of the letters that a prosecutor sent to 12 San Diego dispensaries. They state that federal law "takes precedence over state law and applies regardless of the particular uses for which a dispensary is selling and distributing marijuana." "Under United States law, a dispensary's operations involving sales and distribution of marijuana are illegal and subject to criminal prosecution and civil enforcement actions," letters signed by U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy in San Diego read. "Real and personal property involved in such operations are subject to seizure by and forfeiture to the United States...regardless of the purported purpose of the dispensary."

The move comes a little more than two months after the Obama administration toughened its stand on medical marijuana following a two-year period during which federal officials had indicated they would not move aggressively against dispensaries in compliance with laws in the 16 states where pot is legal for people with doctors' recommendations. The Department of Justice issued a policy memo to federal prosecutors in late June stating that marijuana dispensaries and licensed growers in states with medical-marijuana laws could face prosecution for violating federal drug and money-laundering laws. The effort to shutter California dispensaries appears to be the most far-reaching effort so far to put that guidance into action.

"This really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. The administration is simply making good on multiple threats issued since President Obama took office," said Kevin Sabet, a former adviser to the president's drug czar who is a fellow at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Substance Abuse Solutions. "The challenge is to balance the scarcity of law enforcement resources and the sanctity of this country's medication approval process. It seems like the administration is simply making good on multiple statements made previously to appropriately strike that balance." Greg Anton, a lawyer who represents a Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana, said the 14-year-old dispensary's landlord received an "extremely threatening" letter Wednesday invoking a federal law that imposes additional penalties for selling drugs within 1,000 feet of schools, parks and playgrounds.

The landlord was ordered to evict the pot club or risk imprisonment, plus forfeiture of the property and all the rent he has collected while the dispensary has been in business, Mr. Anton said. The Marin Alliance's founder "has been paying state and federal taxes for 14 years, and they have cashed all the checks," he said. "All I hear from Obama is whining about his budget, but he has money to do this which will actually reduce revenues."


First Obama never was for legalizing weed. Second this has nothing to do with Obama FFS. Government agencies have their own agendas and somehow trying to tie this to Obama is just drawing conclusions.
wow are you kidding me? what do these fucking morons think it's going to accomplish? things that are worse than marijuana (that are legal):


fuck these retards. this is what we should be really be protesting about - fuck occupying wall street.
Wow and I thought the democraps where the ones behind the maryjane movement. This country was moving closer and closer to legalized marijuana and he just killed the hole movement. Mark the calendar because this will be the final straw for Mr Obama and his regime.
Second this has nothing to do with Obama FFS.

The move comes a little more than two months after the Obama administration toughened its stand on medical marijuana following a two-year period during which federal officials had indicated they would not move aggressively against dispensaries in compliance with laws in the 16 states where pot is legal for people with doctors' recommendations.

This has everything to do with Obama. It's his justice department that is spearheading this.

otto89 said:
In 4 years Obama accomplished what took George Bush 8 years to do.
Whats that? Putting the final nail in our economic coffin? Or is it getting us into an additional war?

Pharmaceutical companies have seen profits plummet. In an effort to regain those lost profits, they've made a large contribution to Obama's 2012 campaign fund.
wow are you kidding me? what do these fucking morons think it's going to accomplish? things that are worse than marijuana (that are legal):


fuck these retards. this is what we should be really be protesting about - fuck occupying wall street.

Don't forget high fructose corn syrup
This has everything to do with Obama. It's his justice department that is spearheading this.

Whats that? Putting the final nail in our economic coffin? Or is it getting us into an additional war?

True dat, Obunghole himself said State law doesnt trup the fed on medical weed and they would shut it down. And Eric Holder is his homey.

Pharmaceutical companies have seen profits plummet. In an effort to regain those lost profits, they've made a large contribution to Obama's 2012 campaign fund.

Amen. Why would they allow people to use a harmless herb to alleviate their pain when big pharma can give them concentrated opiates?

As someone who would qualify for medical marijuana if I lived in such a state, this is disheartening as hell. They have me all sorts of medications to alleviate my symptoms (nausea, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, depression) that fuck me up with all sorts of side effects, so I just vaporize a bit of pot instead and it works like a charm. DEA/FDA/Obama Administration be damned, they don't give a fuck about what's best for me or anyone else- I hope they are met with violent resistance, or at least some political resistance from the state.

About time they cracked down, all these pot junkies leave needles laying around on the street and they will murder each other just for a little piece of weed crack. When we were visiting America earlier in the year, we couldn't believe people were breaking the law like this and selling it out of shops. We got robbed by some weed junky who needed money for his next fix.
wow are you kidding me? what do these fucking morons think it's going to accomplish? things that are worse than marijuana (that are legal):


fuck these retards. this is what we should be really be protesting about - fuck occupying wall street.

How dare you make fun of Adderall. Zeus let us borrow his powers for 4 hours with those pills and you say it's worst than weed?
maybe all those idiot protesters can start hating politicians now (like they should) instead of corporations.
How dare you make fun of Adderall. Zeus let us borrow his powers for 4 hours with those pills and you say it's worst than weed?

health wise, yea, lol. it's fucking awful for you. it's speed. productivity wise...that's a different story. but it's up to you if you want to trade your health for productivity. i'd rather have both :)