Obama Blackhat twitter account


Viva la Republicans lol
I heard that they bought those twitter followers from fiver and WickedFire
Funny that this is bigger deal than his fake birth certificate.


Oh come on he didnt violate the constitution by not even being a citizen of the US. Besides it was his birth rite he is related to all the prior presidents.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1if6tJO2GA]Girl Discovers All Presidents Related "Royal Blood Runs Deep" - YouTube[/ame]
I'm not an Obama fan, but I have a feeling how they're determining an account to be fake is flawed. It's not unreasonable to suggest that people would create a twitter account and do nothing with it, but follow the President. It would look fake, but in reality it's not used for anything other than reading what the President has to say. The same can be said for any politician or celebrity.
I too am no obama fan, but I ran the same tool on an account I know to have a pretty damn close to 100% fake follower rate and the tool said I had a 3% fake follower rate. The really amazing part is that everybody is running with this like the tool is actually accurate.
I mean if this ever really becomes a big deal, someone could easily pump up their opponents account with fakes and then accuse them of buying fakes.

It doesn't really seem like a big deal to me, but I'm sure they are running low on pointless accusations to spring on each other.