Obama Administration now monitoring US journalists - Are we Nazi Germany yet?


WF Bronze Member
May 13, 2011
Gone Baby Gone
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The OPS/NOC will only monitor publicly available online forums, blogs,
public websites, and message boards to collect information used in providing situational
awareness and a common operating picture.

looks like your gonna be one of the first on the list for posting this :rolleyes:

Every time I start to wonder how American's can be so complacent as our rights evaporate, I read something like this and realize it's because so many of you are so fucking ignorant.

Go write a $10 article, and stay in your mom's basement where you'll never have to worry about what's happening around you.

looks like your gonna be one of the first on the list for posting this :p

I'm probably on every list there is, so I'm sure I'll be one of the first to go. That's ok - you only live twice.
Every time I start to wonder how American's can be so complacent as our rights evaporate, I read something like this and realize it's because so many of you are so fucking ignorant.

Go write a $10 article, and stay in your mom's basement where you'll never have to worry about what's happening around you.

The Federal Government has been taking away our rights for decades now, it's nothing new. Am I pissed about it? You're damn right I am. Is it newsworthy? Not really. It's amazing that you call me ignorant that you are so ignorant to assume so much based upon one word. Then again, it's not like I actually give a fuck about what a stranger posts about me on the Internet.
The Federal Government has been taking away our rights for decades now, it's nothing new. Am I pissed about it? You're damn right I am. Is it newsworthy? Not really. It's amazing that you call me ignorant that you are so ignorant to assume so much based upon one word. Then again, it's not like I actually give a fuck about what a stranger posts about me on the Internet.

You still glad you voted for Obama?
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The Federal Government has been taking away our rights for decades now, it's nothing new.

I think you're missing the significance of the most recent occurrences. We've lost more rights in the last 6 months than we have in the last 60 years, so I would say it is definitely more than noteworthy.
Every time I start to wonder how American's can be so complacent as our rights evaporate, I read something like this and realize it's because so many of you are so fucking ignorant.

What's interesting to me is how much we are owned by the government without knowing it.

Fed Govt takeovers in the last few years:

1. Auto Industry - done.
2. Health Care / Medical - done.
3. Student Loans & Years of the lives of graduates. - done.
4. More Real Estate loans than you can count with their full on takeover of the GSE's. - done.
5. The shared ownership through failed banks of millions of other loans. - done.
6. Now they are proposing to become the largest landlord in the US by doing a "public/private" partnership to turn countless REO's into rental housing.

If they cannot totally take your private property rights, they can make it so you are slave/debtor and the Govt is the lender/master. Therefore, once again, you are relying on Govt to allow you to live/borrow/etc.

This combined with OP's message and everything else. Wow. I guess a crises really is a terrible thing to waste.
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Fed Govt takeovers in the last few years:

1. Auto Industry - done.
2. Health Care / Medical - done.
3. Student Loans & Years of the lives of graduates. - done.
4. More Real Estate loans than you can count with their full on takeover of the GSE's. - done.
5. The shared ownership through failed banks of millions of other loans. - done.
6. Now they are proposing to become the largest landlord in the US by doing a "public/private" partnership to turn countless REO's into rental housing.

If they cannot totally take your private property rights, they can make it so you are slave/debtor and the Govt is the lender/master. Therefore, once again, you are relying on Govt to allow you to live/borrow/etc.


If everyone in the country saw this it'd make things much more clear. they did it all incrementally and blame it all on "the economy" which they created.
States are aggressive. States are violent. States grow by concentrating power under the threat of violence. This growth must erode liberty.*

Can you think of an example when a state - here or abroad - has ever, of its own accord, diminished in size/power for an extended period? If not, can you build a logical case that explains why such an outcome would ever occur?

* Otherwise, the public would contribute monies to the state's coffers rather than having it confiscated.