O.k. Now I'm F'in Pissed!


Marketing Dope
Jan 4, 2011
Something's just not right fucking with "G"...

Yesterday I spent 4 hours hunting down specific keywords to result pages that had no ads currently running, but were getting thousands of hits per day!

One of my sources informs that doing this you can target little known ad slots on "G", and get clicks for $.02 - $.05 per click! Simply by targeting areas that currently do not have any ads being displayed on the results.

Since I still had my $100 FREE credits through HostGator, I figured it was time to explore these waters.

I have never attempted or even ran my 1st AdWords ad yet, and yet the Mighty frigging G sends me a message that I am basically "Suspended for Life!" after I attempted to edit my first ad that was "Disapproved"?


My main grievance is they are stating my landing page is not acceptable, ok no biggie, I figured I'd try again. While trying to understand the complexity of their set up, I deleted the ad that was disapproved, and wrote a clear and concise ad targeting iPhone and iPad apps.

It stated my ad was enabled and in for review. Apparently this process takes 1-3 business days.

So, how in the hell is it; a "RED BANNER" shows up stating I'm suspended for life for violating their "Landing Page Policy" if I don't even have an active ad yet?

Please, if any knows what the fuck I'm supposed to do....HELP!

Honestly, I'll admit; I really had no clue how to place an ad....but with that said, I didn't think I could have my account suspended for life within 2 hours of trying to set up my first ad either.

It's not like I was trying to run some "Black-Hat" technique or anything, truth is; I was hoping to make some serious money using AdWords!!!!

Naturally, I am going to call them Monday, as it's nearly impossible to find an email ticket that coincides with this bullshit suspension. IDK, but lately with the whole "suspend it without reason" shit on YouTube...this just pisses me off, and leaves me to question if I should even use "G" or rely on them for anything?

I use Analytics, Gmail, just set up my AdSense and made my 1st whopping $2.39 (which motivated me getting some advertising going) and now I am actually scared without this account everything I was working on is fucked!

PS- Sorry for the rant, but I really am trying to keep my shit clean and use
"White Hat" methods, as I am invested into this for the long term.

How can they suspend someone for life who basically has a whole hour and a half as a AdWords user and without any warning other than my first ad was "Disapproved?"

The irony is; the second ad I created still says;"Pending REview" and has a green enabled icon next to it!

I simply don't know how to approach this, obviously I'll have to "Beg" them to re-activate my account, but damn...if I get the wrong service rep, I'm screwed!:anon.sml:

Any suggestions as to what might help my case when I contact "G" Monday to fight this BS?

I use Analytics, Gmail, just set up my AdSense and made my 1st whopping $2.39 (which motivated me getting some advertising going)

Hold on, do you mean you were sending Adwords traffic to a landing page optimized for Adsense? That could be the reason...
No...not at all. I had selected what I believed to be a relevant and quality offer in Clickbank.

Here's the secret AdWords recipe that was revealed to me, compliments of Mike Filsaime in an email I received yesterday...

1.) Go to Flippa[dot]com
2.) Search high traffic websites
3.) Scroll to their "Verified Analytics Report" (Verify their traffic claims are real)
4.) Review the [exact keywords] that is bringing traffic to their website
5.) Do a Google search w/ the highest resulting keywords
6.) If the results display a page with no ads, the claim was you can buy these AdWords PPC's for .01 - .02 per click. (AWESOME RIGHT!!!)

Basically, I searched Flippa for high traffic sites. Found one relevant to people seeking iPhone apps that gets massive traffic. I explored their Verified Google Analytics PDF to confirm the traffic was real.

Once I scrolled down to see that 2 specific keywords receives 25,000 exact monthly searches, I entered those two keywords into a Google search...

The results returned About 2,070,000 results (0.13 seconds) -However...there was not one paid advertisement on the page. AWESOME!!!!

So I thought!

I then went into CB, chose the most relevant product to my keywords (with a decent payout...$43.19 per sale) and wrote the following ad...

Create iPhone/iPad Apps
Learn to Create Your Own iPhone and iPad
Apps. No Programming Experience Required!
URL: biy.ly...blah...blah...blah (example)

Now, I don't know if I am not allowed to promote Clickbank landing pages?

Did I screw up using a URL shortening site like bit.ly?

Does the landing page contain malware?

Truth is...I have no clue what the hell I did wrong?

Obviously, my inexperience is a marvel to admire when I admit; "I have no fucking clue how to use AdWords" -but suspending me for life while trying to create my 1st ad 2 hours after I opened my account...that is some serious BS!

Look I'm not trying to cheat anyone, and honestly if I had more time, I personally would like to learn how to create new apps for iPad and iPhone users. Especially when the guy who developed the iFart app made like $30k in one day selling a stupid app for .75 cents to 40k people!

I don't care how many people learn this secret of finding result pages with no ads, so they can bid the CPC for pennies...to me that was great advice.

What I do need is to understand what the hell I did wrong?

Had I intentionally violated the AdWords terms of use repeatedly, I would deserve a lifetime suspension, and could live with it. But in this case, my first attempt to use their service, and they treat me like I'm the internet's version of fucking Satan...NOT COOL MAN!

I didn't even sleep yet, I've been up researching my (rookie) mistakes? and the vague details of what they can suspend you for, which is clearly anything they want basically, it's almost like saying; "Where able to buy the entire market...then decide at random who gets to benefit from it!"

Again, I am in this for the long haul, and IMO needed AdWords to be a permanent part of my structured blueprint. Sure I can use Bing, Yahoo, Facebook and other methods that'll probably be far more lenient...but WTF I already use all their products:

1.) Adsense
2.) Gmail
3.) YouTube
4.) Analytics
5.) Keyword Tool
6.) Blogger
7.) Reader
8.) Chrome (rarely)

Now all of sudden I get "BLUE-BALLED" for trying to learn how to use AdWords...doesn't make any sense.

IDK....sent an email stating my case, but with my luck it land in the hands of some forieigner that will only further abuse my loyalty, and become a 3-4 week charade of "bowing to them" and as Jack Black stated in a movie leave me promising to "Suck the head, stroke the shaft, and swallow the gravy!"

And even then the chances of them actually re-activating my AdWords account is probable a coin toss!

Man this BLOWS!
Yeah, I know it`s frustrating. Google`s a bunch of cunts.

What was your landing page exactly? Did you make one, or were you direct linking to the advertiser through your affiliate link? Adwords has a policy against direct linking to offers without your own landing page. They`re also pretty strict about their "quality" guidelines for landing pages. I haven`t done Adwords in a while, but when I did it my campaigns were often getting really low quality scores and stopped even if I made a proper site with lots of content etc. I don`t know what the hell they`re looking for, exactly.

But it seems that now they are immediately banning for things that they used to just slap your campaign for.
No...not at all. I had selected what I believed to be a relevant and quality offer in Clickbank.

There's your problem...

Google doesn't like affiliates and clickbank affiliates are the worse, 99% of clickbank pages are the long "who else wants to learn the secrets of the most awesome iphone apps ever" sales letter which is a no go with google. Combined with the fact that since it's clickbank I'm sure the landing page made claims of "6 figure earnings" and "autopilot income" and the fact that you used a voucher it's no surprise that you got banned. If I was in charge of adwords I'd have my algo set to instaban any account that linked to anything hosted on clickbank, and it wouldn't surprise me if whoever is in charge right now feels the same way.
Understandably, but lets remember there is a large number of people (like myself) who are sincerely dedicated to learning how to run a legit online business. If the learning curve doesn't kill the thrill, Google does!

I mean, so now I know that linking to an affiliate offer is bad, but if my 5 year old forgets to lift the lid when he pees...I don't beat him into submission, and send him out to live in the wild for a simple mistake.

Forgive the sarcasm, but honestly....this was my 1st ad attempt! -It's not like they made it easy to understand, when they write the terms of use in Lawyer language! Let alone, unless you're seasoned (which by your support of their ruling) implies that you are....fortunately for you!

Am I supposed to jump into this with a Harvard p.h.d in advertising just to be able to qualify for a simple ad placement?

Look I'm not seeking sympathy or pity...I'm they guy that is actually spending money, fueling, and supporting several IM'ers who clearly re-hashed old shit and found a way to get paid handsomely for doing so.

I am looking to start off as many do, using other peoples products and doing some affiliate ads. That's all!

Naturally, this is not the only river to fish, but it is insulting when you resepect the authority that Google has, and they string you up to a tree for being ignorant!

Yes, I am admitting that I am impart ignorant, as right so...I don't know what they want, as Bombastic also mentions. Therefore, unless where going back to Natzi Germany and running on the premise that everyone in Google's eyes needs to be blond haired blue-eyed symbols of perfection...then someone other than the bias genius above elaborate on what it is I can do to solve the problem.

As I see those who actually EARN any significant living online can resepect and appreciate the "key" to doing so is providing solutions to other peoples needs, problems, wants, or desires...

If that's the case, where's the fucking love man!
Hi. You seem riled up. It's ok. Google just really doesnt like small time affiliate marketers. Your methodology to write an ad, pick an offer, research kw was fine.

Your mistake was sending adwords traffic to a clickbank sales letter. Maybe it worked 3 years ago. Nowadays, not so much. You end up in your situation. Switch ppc platforms.

And dont have a stroke. For real.
Google hate's affiliates you can't promote clickbank products. Same thing almost happened to me, but my domain was banned. I emailed them and then they re-instated my domain. Anyway I recommend reading all Googles bullshit rules, Google loves banning people for the smallest shit.
If I was in charge of adwords I'd have my algo set to instaban any account that linked to anything hosted on clickbank, and it wouldn't surprise me if whoever is in charge right now feels the same way.

They probably have this kind of setup already. Today morning I woke up to a nice AdWords Account Suspended email. 5 years old legit account. Yesterday I put up one ad for a Clickbank offer which got instantly disapproved. Today morning the account is gone :)
I need a few old, aged google adwords accounts.
My questions are the following:
1) how old are the accounts?
2) how much money spent in life of the account?
3) is account running right now?
4) price?
Please note, I`m a serious buyer, so I`ll pay real price.
Please contact me by mail: robmaggg@gmail.com
What's new? Google Adwords account team ban many people all the time without any reason..