NY Resolution: Decouple my time from my money

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New member
Dec 14, 2008
This year, my resolution is simple: I will decouple my time from my money.

Time is the most valuable asset any of us have, yet too many people seem to undervalue it through wage slavery and non-scalable business models. The old model where you work one hour, get paid X, work another hour and get paid 2X is just not sustainable for me.

EVERY Single successful businessman/woman has been able to master this simple but elusive principle of separating time from money. I intend to do the same. Every project I work on, I will bust my ass in the startup phase to create a semi-autopilot process that can continue to generate income without me tending the pot every second.

For the affiliates out there, are you spending hour after hour putting out small fires, and planning small tactical wins, or do you have a systematized process in place that you implement once and let it run on auto-pilot?

I'm not wealthy yet. I intend to be. But I'm as sure as night follows day that this is the fundamental principle that I need to follow to get to all my other goals.

This post is already starting to sound too self-mastubatory as it is, but just wanted to share with you this shift in my personal philosophy.

Well that sounds all fine and dandy. Now what?

Systematized processes take time, maintenance and development. I'm not disagreeing with you and it's a great "theory" so what specifically are you going to do to make it happen?

There's a million great theories however plans, action and execution is what takes you to that next level :)
Smaxor, That's why I like this forum. You guys challenge each other to cut past the talk and get to the action.

Well my Step 1 was signing up to your network A4D a couple days ago, which I did and got accepted.

I'm spending today doing some basic market research on the offers, will spend tomorrow putting together targeted keywords & ad groups, and will spend the rest of the year putting together some compelling & dynamic keyword landing pages. Expect full launch on Jan 1, 2009. I'll be working with P202 as well to keep the campaign as lean and efficient as possible.

Pre-school stuff for the well seasoned pros like yourself, but I'm new to the game and gotta start somewhere. I'm also very analytical and relentless as all hell when I put my mind to something.

I have no less than 5 ideas (beyond affiliate marketing) each of which I'm confident can bring in at least 6 figs per year if executed properly.

The affiliate process will be my first step in getting the extra capital and time to properly pursue each of these businesses/processes in 2009.

Has anyone else been sitting on the fence or not taking your business to the level where you're satisfied? Spend the remaining days of the year learning from the forums here. There really are some nuggets of great info if you look for it. And get off the pot and start doing in '09.

I'll be having some great case studies for you guys in a few months.
YES! I'm glad you posted this. Smax is right, the hard part is making it happen. However, most people don't even know or care about the theory in the first place.

Robert Kiyosaki is a fucking lying douche, but at least he changed a lot of people's way of thinking on this matter with Rich Dad Poor Dad.

What made you come up with this resolution, HotSauzz?

BTW I'll take care of the ass pics.







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