Now THAT's Black Hat

I hit up Defcon every year, a hacker convention that runs concurrently with Black Hat Briefings ( I prefer Defcon). Every year there is always some crazy shit being taught or exposed, just look at the list of talks this year at Defcon:

DEF CON 18 Hacking Conference - Speakers

Awesome stuff. I love Defcon.

This is one of my favorites this year:

The Programmable HID USB Keystroke Dongle (PHUKD) is a small device based around the Teensy microcontroller development board. It allows users to program in keystrokes and mouse macros that can execute when the device is plugged in, after a set time, or when certain environmental conditions are met (light, noise, temperature, etc.) This device can be used as a replacement for a U3 hacksaw, as a device left behind to execute commands when someone with elevated privileges is likely to be logged in, or give as a Trojan device to unsuspecting targets. Much pwnage should ensue.

Basically, you attach the keyboard to this device, then the device to the computer. It waits until preset conditions or commands are types, for instance, a login and password, and then executes what ever it is programmed to. Way cool stuff.
Things you shouldn't do while at/near a hacker conference, and why:

1) Use an ATM (your card will be stolen)
2) Use a cell phone (calls will be monitored)
3) Use an elevator (will you get anywhere?)
4) Use wifi (fuck encryption, they're getting your data anyway)
5) Be a woman (unless you like constant Star Wars/Star Trek pickup lines)
jackpotting is a fucking awesome term
