Nothing on T.V.?


New member
Aug 30, 2007
For a long long time my wife and I usually fire up Itunes and watch something together as we go to bed - since I don't really watch t.v. much the other 23 hours a day I got's the control here.

Still need something we can both put up with (that she hasn't watched). If I put on a movie we don't sleep - so that sucks.

If I don't find something we can both put up with I'll be watching HGTV *and we can't have that*

House -- seen em all.

Dr Who/torchwood - seen em all. She actually got me into these.

Lost -- tend to watch it on-line in spurts but she hasn't watched any and I don't want to buy all the previous seasons since she doesn't care and I don't want to watch them again.

Heroes (sucks now)

Stargate universe sucks and I've watched most of the others since my boys are into it.

V (watching as they come out)

Big Love (watching as they come out)

She watches most of the "girl crap" on her own.


The Office, Dexter, Entourage, and Curb Your Enthusiasm are some of my favorites. The girlfriend like 'em too.

Edit: Oh, and also True Blood. Pretty much anything on HBO is a safe bet.
The Office, Dexter, Entourage, and Curb Your Enthusiasm are some of my favorites. The girlfriend like 'em too.

Edit: Oh, and also True Blood. Pretty much anything on HBO is a safe bet.
is all you need. LOL. Basically just get HBO and you will be satisfied.
baseball and football games are about all I watch on TV anymore, maybe the food network for background noise occasionally
baseball and football games are about all I watch on TV anymore, maybe the food network for background noise occasionally

I'm about the same - but I need the veg or my mind doesn't shut off and I don't sleep.

Thanks for the suggestions - I'll dig into them.
24, but this is the last season and its going to end in a few weeks. I love the show. Jack Bauer is probably the coolest, most bad-ass person you'll ever see on TV next to that guy from Taken.