Not sure where to ask this...but here!


New member
Jun 12, 2011
Sunny South Florida
Ok. So you spend all sorts of time designing a beautiful landing page and make sure that everything is well with it. Then after you finally convince them, they click the "click here" button and off to the crappy looking offer

Am I allowed to code the email/name form on my own landing page and then have it all direct through the same processes after? That way I know my conversions will be more successful.

Also, wtf is coreg?

Are you talking about CPA leads? There is a blackhat method called Ghost CPA. It's an iframing tool for CPA offers. However this can raise a lot of red flags with your affiliate manager if your conversions skyrocket suddenly.

If you aren't talking about CPA then I have no idea :)
Hey Sano1221 and canucksfan19:

Thank you VERY much for responding. I appreciate it, it's great to have some help on here.

It is definitely what Sano1221 is referring to. I bet it would cause some problems with an affiliate manager. What if I joined a network and started doing that right away? That shouldn't be black hat, it's not shady. It is a great thing to help me get more money and to help the network/advertiser complete their goals too! Problem is some of the networks that I am a part of do not specify whether or not you can do ANYTHING. Pretty lame....

1. Does anybody have suggestions on great networks to join? I'm always looking out for the best.

2. If they don't explicitly state something, should I just do it or should I be safe and ask first? (forgiveness VS. permission??)

3. Any suggestions on a ''vocabulary guide'' for newbs? I haven't seen one yet on WF...probably is one and I'm just too stupid lol

I love you guys, may the conversions be with you!
Good question, I think that you have to make sure that the whole site is good in its look and feel, just like the landing page. Is the email page of the same site?