Noobie needs help


New member
Sep 8, 2010
Does it cost money to set up a thread on the BST section of the forum?

I want to set up a service on the BST but I know I need review copies, but what the hell is a review copy and what should it contain?

Go ahead on flame, I just need some answers

Well, at leat you asked, and in the correct section.
No it does not cost anything to set up a thread in BST (except possibly your account if you dont read the rules)

A review copy is just what it sounds like, you offer to give someone (preferably a mod or someone whos been here a while with high posts and or iTrader) a free copy of your service, and in return they will post their review in your thread.
That way if you are selling total shit, they will mention it, and no body will buy from you, but if you do a good job, you will make sales.
Well, at leat you asked, and in the correct section.
No it does not cost anything to set up a thread in BST (except possibly your account if you dont read the rules)

A review copy is just what it sounds like, you offer to give someone (preferably a mod or someone whos been here a while with high posts and or iTrader) a free copy of your service, and in return they will post their review in your thread.
That way if you are selling total shit, they will mention it, and no body will buy from you, but if you do a good job, you will make sales.

by my account do you mean if i bump like hell or thread hijack??

and alright thanks man that makes sense.
just post clearly on what your service. give an accurate description of the service and be truthful about the time it will take to complete. Many providers deliver more than they advertise to keep customers happy and coming back for more whatever you got.

offer as many review copies as you can afford to as it will just give you more credibility if your service is good.

dont bump your thread or go into others and offer service or do any shady shit and you will have a good customer base if you are offering a quality service.
just post clearly on what your service. give an accurate description of the service and be truthful about the time it will take to complete. Many providers deliver more than they advertise to keep customers happy and coming back for more whatever you got.

offer as many review copies as you can afford to as it will just give you more credibility if your service is good.

dont bump your thread or go into others and offer service or do any shady shit and you will have a good customer base if you are offering a quality service.

alright man thanks. that is some solid advice I plan to use.
hey how can I edit one of my posts? I don't see the option anywhere

You can only edit posts up to 10 minutes after you originally posted it. If it's a thread in BST, you can ask a mod to edit it for you. Otherwise, you're stuck with what you wrote initially.
You can only edit posts up to 10 minutes after you originally posted it. If it's a thread in BST, you can ask a mod to edit it for you. Otherwise, you're stuck with what you wrote initially.

wow dude really?...alright man thanks so much for this, I really needed it.