[Noob] Super Ultra Hyper Basic PPC Starter Questions


New member
Oct 21, 2011
Few questions hoping I could get a hand with, warning they are extremely simple but I cannot find the answers to fill in the blank.

1) Ok, when starting my first campaign for PPC do I install propser202 on a separate domain?

2) Tracking202 or prosper202? Thoughts?

3) Lets say I get signed up with an affliate, the AM tell's me what is hot at the moment and I decide to go with an offer. Do I use any domain name for the landing page? If not, does that mean for every single offer I select I have to buy a related domain name AND hosting for the year? So if the offer doesn't work out, that is a sunk cost? Lastly (I feel really dumb asking this but I don't know anyone IRL who can answer this one), can I get my host to change domain names? So I just need one host and the only real investment per campaign (other then time and testing adwords obviously) is a domain name that works? So if the offer sucks I can keep the same hosting, and just buy a new domain name and have that hosted instead? I hope my question is clear...

Few questions hoping I could get a hand with, warning they are extremely simple but I cannot find the answers to fill in the blank.

1) Ok, when starting my first campaign for PPC do I install propser202 on a separate domain?

2) Tracking202 or prosper202? Thoughts?

3) Lets say I get signed up with an affliate, the AM tell's me what is hot at the moment and I decide to go with an offer. Do I use any domain name for the landing page? If not, does that mean for every single offer I select I have to buy a related domain name AND hosting for the year? So if the offer doesn't work out, that is a sunk cost? Lastly (I feel really dumb asking this but I don't know anyone IRL who can answer this one), can I get my host to change domain names? So I just need one host and the only real investment per campaign (other then time and testing adwords obviously) is a domain name that works? So if the offer sucks I can keep the same hosting, and just buy a new domain name and have that hosted instead? I hope my question is clear...

Hey mate.

I'm new to this as well but I think I know the answers to your questions.

1) I believe prosper202 does need its own domain, yes.

2) I thought tracking202 was being taken down? I'd go with prosper202 for the price of $3 a year (buy a .info domain for it).

3) You can either direct link through to the product you are promoting or create a landing page. Some offers specify that you have to create a landing page. If you buy shared hosting and it says unlimited domains, that means you can host as many domains as you want to on that hosting plan. The only exception to this would be HostGator's Hatchling Plan, for example, which only lets you host one domain name.

I recommend that you read the stickies both here and over at Affiliate Marketing - WickedFire - Affiliate Marketing Forum - Internet Marketing Webmaster SEO Forum.
1) If you're going to use Prosper 202, you want to install it on a separate domain and probably want to get a decent quality VPS. It tends to not do so well on shared hosting, or at least that was my experience.

2) Tracking202 they host, Prosper202 you host. Advantages to self hosting may equal a bit more security and reliability. I'm sure others can think of other advantages as well.

3) You can use the same domain for as many landing pages as you want, but if you're running Acai offers on a domain name related to dating, it might hurt your conversions. Most shared hosting will let you put multiple domain names on 1 account and on a VPS you can host a lot of domains. Most of the stuff you try will probably fail, so you might consider using domain names that are kind of generic to the niche you're targeting.