Noob Solution: Collect Opt-in info


Marketing Dope
Jan 4, 2011
My site(s) are not quite ready for the monthly fee of Aweber's autoresponder, nor am I so priviledged to finger out the mysql and php programming codes to structure my opt-in box properly...

But I did find a cool "temporary" solution. offers a simple cut & paste solution. It registers and records the users name and email and collects it to your asigned email. The opt-in box does not reveal your email, and guests must enter captcha code to submit their info.

I generally don't randomly promote shit on WF, but i've seen a lot of people struggling (as am I) setting up a 'list building tool' without creating a recurring monthly account, or obsessing to obtain the code knowledge to write a proper script for storing and collecting opt-in info into a database.

The downside is it is a "free" tool and relies on a 3rd party 'widget' that is pretty basic. But what the hell it is free!

It may not be the most orthodox way of starting a list, but it works for now.

Figured it was overdue I donate something to the site, as WF has helped me immensely.:thumbsup:

Not sure how to take your post, but I'll assume it was in good faith.

Since it's on topic, I'll point out that Email Marketing and Email List Manager | MailChimp has a great free starter package that does everything you need for your mailing list. It's a tool that many of the big mailers use... well, those that don't have their own setup.