Noob + FB coupons + limited time: best learning experience?

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New member
Jan 27, 2009

I do have little practical knowledge about affiliate marketing. Wanted to do stuff for years, but yeah..

So now I'm here, having about 170$ of those facebook coupons that will expire at the end of the month, so:

What's the best learning experience I could get out of that? Any suggestions?

Any networks and offers where I'll get approved fast? Doesn't have to be (too) profitable. Just to learn something.

Thanks a lot, Kroisos

Best learning experience would be you actually will have hands on experience and will know what does/doesn't work. Probably the latter.

If you're not signed up already, use the link in my signature. After applying, CALL THEM, they should approve you pretty quickly.
I've noticed you're location is in Germany, so you may find a lot of the mainstream networks, particularly American ones, won't have European offers.
If you're wanting to promote what you know, consider DGM or ClixGalore as well. They're not the greatest out there, but they do run European offers, and often in a variety of languages.

Other than that, just pick some offers you like the sound of, make a shitload of creatives, and slap them up there, and see if you can get that $170 back before they expire.
I know Zanox is a German based affiliate network. I've pushed some offers with them before, but they have possibly the crappiest interface.
Don't get excited with those coupons, I had 325$ worth... tried 3 different ads and the next day I was banned. Later figured out this was for small businesses online... this was my only account on facebook too.. wish someone could re-activate it, even without coupons.
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