Non traffic domains....Still Build On?

Domain Invester
Aug 2, 2009
Seems from my readings that the most people who make the money on affiliate sites are with domains that are getting traffic. Now, Im not sure if they are "buying" traffic or the domain already had it, but how do you convert afiliate links with domains that are not producing?

Lets just say you reg a new domian that had no history, no nothing BUT the domain name itself is in relation to the affiliate product your promoting. To make the site a success do you buy traffic? Write content as in a blog style? Does it have to be a blog style as when developing you may just ad some random content.

What is the experts opinon on developing a brand new domain OR domains with low traffic.


Well... you just create a site for that domain. That could be blog style or ad copy for example. That depends on many things. And then you try to get traffic somehow. Buy it or do SEO and get organic traffic.
You can choose to have a general information, review, landing page, or blog related to the product or keyword.

Then with traffic do what monkeyman said SEO or PPC.