Non-obtrusive adult ads


New member
May 11, 2011
I have a site with 3k visitors a day looking for porn

bounce rate is 55%
avg time on site is 3min20sec

Can I make a buck with this site? The users are very touchy about ads so I'm looking for something non-obtrusive.. Link ads or the like. text links to cam sites.

Can any of you pr0s give me some pointers‽

Think about your ads from the user perspective...

Would you want to see ads when trying to get off, No!

So with adult sites, the trick to high CTR is giving what they want and making the ads relevant and enticing. Also, keep in mind that just because your into 1 thing doesn't mean everyone else would be. So if doing text links to cam sites make sure to put a number of them.

Best move is to keep your site tasteful.