NO Pics of children please

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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
After a long discussion with some good friends of this forum and two of our moderators I think its in all of our best interest to not post ANY type of photo of children on this site. Its also distasteful to go after kids. Usually we vote on new rules, but I really value what some of the members have been saying and I think those opposing this rule at first, including myself were wrong.

That whole kim standerline shitstorm raised some real moral questions, and overall, I'm going to have to finally side with them. Maybe I don't see the harm in it like they do because they are all parents and I'm not, but sometimes there are battles just not worth fighting.

So if you're going to try and poke fun at someone's children with a pic on here, don't even bother and just keep it to yourself.

That means no more pedobear visiting a kid in a photo and posting it here. By all means, continue posting pics of pedobear when he shows himself in unique situations, but leave the children out of it please.
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