No More Links In Signature?


Living The Dream
Oct 27, 2009
I can't post links in my signature anymore. Is there some new rule? I did a little searching around and couldn't come up with anything.

"Allow Link BB Code No"

I had to contact Stanley (sorry in advance for the influx of PM's you're going to get, Stan) and he fixed it up for me.

...And yeah I can change links to whatever I want.
It's broken. vBulletin should be automatically giving established members permission to add links to sigs, but it's not doing so.
I can't tell why and haven't had the chance to dig through the logs. Until it's fixed, message me and I'll change your usergroup manually if I have time.
I know I'm being a royal pain in the ass and a whinging motherfucker but is there any update to this? Haven't heard anything back via PM. Just about to launch my new personal blog and want to indulge in a bit of shameless self-promotion.