No more excuses left, time to do it


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Dec 8, 2009
So yeah, I am fascinated by this whole make money online world for about 2years now, but everytime I had another excuse to not join in. I read and read and read and read, oh and I read. But never did anything except selling one or two really bad sites on sitepoint (before they became flippa). Then again nothing for many months.

Now, I have to say that I slowly got anything out of the way that I was using as an excuse. I now have a debit credit card loaded with $500, I have Cashvertising, I have read about more than enough ways how people make their income online. And now I am standing here, scared to death.

I absolutely have no idea where to start. What to do. The only thing I know is that I want to do something that gives immediate feedback, either I do something and see money made in 1-2 days, or I see losses in 1-2 days. I tried half heartedly getting into a few networks, but got rejected everytime. No wonder, I wouldn't want myself if I were the network.

My goal? Aim for the moon and you hit the stars or something like that? :D
Nah. At the end of November, I want to see a positive number in my books, be it a cent. Just the proof that it works. That if I do it smarter and better, I can live off this. I don't have a job right now, and I spent most of my time just wasting it.

Can you help me to get on the right track?

I absolutely have no idea where to start. What to do. The only thing I know is that I want to do something that gives immediate feedback, either I do something and see money made in 1-2 days, or I see losses in 1-2 days. I tried half heartedly getting into a few networks, but got rejected everytime. No wonder, I wouldn't want myself if I were the network.

Based on the above, it sounds like you should get into paid traffic, PPC, PPV.

The nickycakes noobie guide is a pretty good start. Go pick some offers and start running campaigns.

Another thing: get some fucking confidence.
No wonder, I wouldn't want myself if I were the network.
That's complete bullshit, and you aren't going to see any success until you get this crap out of your head. Relentlessly and confidently pursue your goal...nobody gives you a hand up until you do it for yourself first.
Start small, test, restart. Create a theory, test it, then create a new one based on new data, test it again. Your experience is worth more than anything you can read, but you have to have to use your head, then your hands.
That sounds so much like what is happening to me. Except for this part
No wonder, I wouldn't want myself if I were the network.
I got accepted into a few networks last year. Hydra, COPEAC and CPALeads. I left half way through. I got busy with providing services etc and I must say that got me started with getting to $1K a month. I earn good money right now but it is not enough. I want to earn $10K a month..... just need a path. :)
Any help?
Oh BTW, I flipped a couple sites too and make around 200$ a month with AdSense right now. But I am really interested in affliate/CPA marketing. I don't like blogging/writing. Any guides you people recommend?. Strictly white-hat.
Alright. After a little more reading here I decided on the dating niche. Since I have problems getting into networks, I decided to start with list building so I have a) a website to show, b) a list and c) some experience with paid advertising.

Until I get accepted into a network, I will put ClickBank links into my emails.

I purchased the wonderwheel scraper here from the BST, and will use it to identify 10 big themes in the dating niche, then buy 10 articles for them and combine them into a freebie as incentive for signing up to my list. Then I will get 10 more articles and make them into autoresponder messages, set for every 2 days. I read that it needs up to 9 offers to make someone buy, so I should get at least a few sales after the initial 10 go through to order more.

As far as paid traffic goes, I haven't decided fully yet. A common saying is that you can make an average of $1 per subscriber per month. I figured, for the beginning somewhere around $2-3 for a subscriber should be okay. Just have to find the really cheap keywords.

Either create a LP with WordPress or buy one from a designer
Signup for GetResponse, it's free for the first 100 subscribers (plus the whole Aweber hacking stuff makes me uncomfortable)
Keyword research, 10 big topics
Get articles written by someone passionate about it, Elance
Researching 10 interesting subtopics in the topics
Get articles written by someone passionate about it, Elance
Keyword research, paid traffic

Edit 1: I play with the thought of setting up an "affiliate marketer" blog, but not to become a guru or some shit but to have an outlet that I can show in network applications instead of a landing page. Any thoughts?
go for non competitive niche you can rank there easily..
why to use elance when you can get writer in wickedfire..
go for non competitive niche you can rank there easily..
why to use elance when you can get writer in wickedfire..


articles written by others
paid traffic

None of those are cool for just starting out, imo.

In about 36 hours you went from "no idea where to start" to a very
detailed complex plan. Something is wrong with that picture.

Do more keyword/niche research, go for the long tails, forget the aff
networks, they suck, you don't need them.

Think of clickbank, markethealth, and there are others.

Learn some SEO.
Get a part time job.

If you want to get into an affiliate network, you gotta have at least a decent site up and running first... if you are trying to apply without even a site on your own, don't bother wasting your time. Build a site around a niche you want to get into, get at least 20-30 pages of unique content before thinking of getting into affiliate networks. In the meantime you could do the rest

Your whole masterplan is too big and you seem to be aiming for perfection for someone that's starting out... starting everything one step at a time would be much more better IMO.. meaning
You spent 2 years reading. You could learn some webdesign and have few sites by now. That was my biggest mistake - endless reading. There is a great post on called 'No one will tell you the shit' or something like that (two parts), and your reading should end up on that post. You will see many people around you who are much less cleaver than you are. But they never overthink things, they just do it. Probably they've read like 10 posts, not more, and the same day started to build websites etc. After 2 years they failed 300 hundered times but learnt a lot. And now they earn. (apart from 'money not earning' bloke who's in the business from 2006 and trying to automate money-earning process with Xrumer). Knowledge you've gained from quality sources like blogs or forums is just a backbone but you need more. And you need more to start earning. I dedicate this great post to myself.
> I don't have a job right now, and I spent most of my time just wasting it

Get that under control. Don't sit down with the intention of 'working for ten hours straight'. You'll just end up doing inefficient, tangential, useless crap each day and wonder why you're never moving forward even though you're spending every waking moment at your computer.

Every day decide on 3 hours worth of tasks which are directly related to goals that will start to make money within the next dozen weeks. Once they're done take a break, and then choose another 3 hours worth of tasks for the afternoon.

Doing 3-6 hours of this everyday is worth much more than 14 hours of unfocused 'work', and is actually easier and less draining in the long run.
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Aweber can be a good start, you can even create landing pages in no time with them....
Every day decide on 3 hours worth of tasks which are directly related to goals that will start to make money within the next dozen weeks. Once they're done take a break, and then choose another 3 hours worth of tasks for the afternoon.

Doing 3-6 hours of this everyday is worth much more than 14 hours of unfocused 'work', and is actually easier and less draining in the long run.

This ^^^

I coulda/shoulda written this.

It's not the quantity, it's the quality of time, brah.
You have to work with your strengths and there's no winning formula that just works for every person. There's plenty of good info on forums and blogs to take into consideration, but when it comes down to it being successful is going to depend on your own unique business that you develop through trial and error.

I make my living consulting now, but I got my start with affiliate marketing over ten years ago. It didn't happen overnight. I'd try something, it wouldn't make money. I'd try something, it would make a little money. I'd regroup and put together the things that I'd discovered and maybe it would work a little better.

Maybe I'd spend 20 hours each on 10 different projects and each time it wouldn't be worth it. But there have been a few times where it's like I spend a solid weekend developing a technique and a year later it's generated six figures. So the majority of my affiliate money has been from a small number of really hot things I stumbled upon, but I'd never have stumbled on them if I hadn't been continuously working at it. So like other people said, reading is fine but you should be DOING. Had you been taking some time to experiment you could be rich right now. Who knows?