No internet for the next week...

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New member
Apr 9, 2007
I'm fuckin off to Glastonbury tomorrow :D - 6 days in a field! :music06: :smokin: :updown: They prob have got internet cafes there now (wouldn't surprise me)... but I can live without it!

Gonna miss you guys and all the WF drama! :nopenope:

I feel your pain.. when I used to go to Aruba I'd be internet free for a week or two, and trying to get back into the working at the computer thing would take a few days to adjust.
I feel your pain.. when I used to go to Aruba I'd be internet free for a week or two, and trying to get back into the working at the computer thing would take a few days to adjust.

Argh... I don't wanna think about that.. this time next week I'll be on the mother of all comedowns... but fuckin worth it!
Whenever I head out to Colorado the house I usually stay at only has dial up (no broadband up in the mountains, and satellite internet blows) It's an unbelievably painful experience.
I'm fuckin off to Glastonbury tomorrow :D - 6 days in a field! :music06: :smokin: :updown: They prob have got internet cafes there now (wouldn't surprise me)... but I can live without it!

Gonna miss you guys and all the WF drama! :nopenope:

Good Luck & Have Fun!

I hear Glastonbury kicks ass.

Good for you, I just went over a month without the internet and it felt great.

My month without internet sucked, and even more so because it was unplanned! Can't wait to come back online properly, instead of using the internet cafes. :mad:
Glastonbury you lucky bugger....Enjoy

I hope the weather stay fine for you and there's no flood this year !!
Cheers guys... Just leaving, gonna have a fuckin great time! (with or without mud!)

take it easy everyone!
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