No Free Speech on the Internet, Dude

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So this was funny. Over the past couple of months I'd made three posts to my blog about Bev Clement and how she charges for business mentoring, yet a while back her friend Kim Standerline was begging for money for Bev so she could pay her rent in Hong Kong. This was at the Warriorforum. I'd been tracking the antics there just for shits and giggles. Those who remember the story will recall that Warriors donated over $5000 to this woman. And then she posted that the money would allow her to get some breathing space and also allow her to visit her mom in the UK. When people started to go, WTF, we're financing your vacation now? All those posts were deleted.

This week Bev was frothing at the mouth about how you shouldn't consider yourself to be her "friend" just because you've shared emails with her in the past or are a member of the forum like she is. Someone was mentioning "My friend Bev" in an article or something and she thought they were capitalizing on her dropping. Yeah, right.

I made a post about this at my blog and some people started chiming in about how clueless she is, and I was talking about how she dribbles poo from her mouth and the lameasses there at the forum eat it up like caviar. And said she's a real scammer, someone who charges for business mentoring but doesn't add a disclaimer to any of her marketing materials about how she was out begging for money a month or so ago.

Anyway....she must have gotten Kim Standerline's lawyer (the one who I guess sent a cease and desist letter here to Jon to shut down our dickrolling thread about Kim) to contact my host. My host shut me down without even letting me know. All from ONE complaint.

I thought that was interesting because I didn't do anything too x-rated with my comments at my blog, just some off the cuff "she's full of shit" trash talk and carefully quoting her exact words from the forum, so I wasn't making anything up - the evidence was clear to see about what this woman is doing.

But there is no free speech on the Internet, dudes. One letter from a lawyer and your host will often shut you down without any warning, recourse to you, etc.

This was Bluehost by the way. Yeah, I know, shit shared hosting account, but I started it back when I was first getting going in marketing before I switched all my other sites over to dedicated.

I know I can redirect everything to a new host, but you know what? The Internet is totally fucked if you can never say anything real or honest anymore about the shitty people you find online and you can't post what they're doing or they get you shut down.

So I'm not going to run my Internet marketing sites for a while - just my money making affiliate sites, which are carefully hidden. It was fun writing about this stuff we do for a while at my conduit site and my marketing blog, but fuck it.

Big Brother has been here forever, and he's not going away in this excessively politically correct climate we're moving into now.

Truthtellers always get screwed. So I say just give 'em the lies they want to hear, about how acai berries will turn them into a thin black woman or whatever, and here's the photo, and thanks for the money.

Yeah, dude, condense that story into five lines or something and people might actually read it. As to whether they'll actually care about your E-beef, well that's a different story.
1. You're a complete pussy
2. You're a 'warrior', I lulz'd
3. Who fucking cares about your story since it's all hearsay anyway.
4. Should have been on a dedi with a shop you trust, like Softlayer or a local co-lo
5. Did I mention you're a complete pussy
LOL @ dan gregory's blog, still fucked.

This Account Has Been Suspended Please contact the support department as soon as possible, and please have your site name ready.
There is no profit in talking shit about people online.

The truth is, you suck at business and can't separate $$$ from your big mouth.

FYI, if I am bluehost, and some asshole who pays me $10 a month to abuse my server gets me a lawyer letter, I am going to terminate his shit too.

For whatever you pay for crap shared hosting, these people are not going to get into a legal dispute for you.

STFU and go make some money. No one cares about Bev or Kim. You shouldn't either.
One more thing. Most people are fucking idiots about free speech.

The right to free speech means the government cannot restrict your speech by law.

It has nothing to do with someone whose private property you contract to use, tossing your ass for violating the TOS and saying dumb shit.

People who complain about free speech are fucking idiots. They will complain about private censorship (legit) but not fight the government when they try to undermine the rights they are prohibited from messing with.

^guerilla hit it right on the mark

you can say what you want but you don't have a right to be heard. I love it when people leave some long ass comment on my blog with no punctuation or proper spellings in all caps talking a bunch of retarded shit. Then when I delete it they start freaking out about free speech. lol *facepalm*
LiquidWeb backed me up when someone tried to contact them to get something removed on one of my sites.

Their position - Unless there's a court order, it's entirely up to you.
This was Bluehost by the way.


so ya think for $4.95 a month those bluehost tards will 'protect ur freedom of speech???'

Get a fucking life. And a fucking host. Try somewhere in hong kong like vacytech or somewhere. just as cheap, and they file all complaints from US lawyers in the 'round' cabinet'.
Big Brother has been here forever, and he's not going away in this excessively politically correct climate we're moving into now.

Wait, so those 2 bitches are "big brother" now? I think you're giving them FAR too much credit. If I wanted to waste time, I could call a lawyer and send some random shit-talkers a letter too...

Just leave them to their "business" and do something productive.
I said that I only set up some sites on Bluehost when I was getting started. That's not where I keep my money sites. You know, the sites that earn me over $15,000 per month as of April. :)

The point of my original rambling post can be boiled down to this - maybe I didn't get this across very well:

If you have a personal blog where you essentially post a review or series of reviews about someone's services or product, and you call them out for unprofessional or inept material or catch that person operating a scam and write about it, AND you have proof based on that scammers own publically available writing where they talk freely about what they are doing, you can still be shut down without warning by some hosts.

That's what I meant to say. And I think it's relevant because so often people will post reviews on their affiliate sites and I was struck by how careful you need to be - gods forbid you post something negative about a company that has bad business practices or whatever, even if you have proof widely available on the're better off not mentioning ANYTHING negative these days on any blog or website.

And personally I think that kind of sucks.

That is all.

And yes, I'm not continuing my blog or my other marketing website - by choice, dudes. I told you in my post I'm not sharing what I do anymore in a public setting. It's too fun taking the money and running and just doing my thing. Why should I make it easier on other bastards by even hinting about what I'm doing? My marketing blogs were just a fun little experiment for me, sort of "therapy" sites. I don't need them anymore, but they were cool to run for a while.

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