Nintendo Wii

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Jun 24, 2006
Just wondering, who here is gettin a Nintendo Wii?
Interested, cos if you are we can verse each other once it's released! I'll be gettin all the games seeing as I own a Wii site, so I have to review em :)

I'll definitely be getting one. I haven't been this excited for a new console since the Super Nintendo.
I highly doubt he gets the games for free as he is trying to make money from reviewing them already
Payton said:
Will you get the games for free? That'd be a nice perk

Well I have contacts at THQ & Ubisoft.

THQ regularly sends me free games, and they are making a few Wii games, so i might be able to get some. Ubisoft hasn't sent me any games, but I am on their press release list, so in a few months i'll try to get some free stuff :D
darkdrift said:
I highly doubt he gets the games for free as he is trying to make money from reviewing them already

You'd be surprised. I get sent things all the time for my Cincinnati Reds blog, mostly books, but I also got a DVD box set of the 1975 world series recently. It's a trivial expense if the company thinks you'll review the product and help give it some good buzz.
I like it because the games are more entertaining for my simple mind. No "realistic" gaming that ends up in my confuzzlement.
I have really not even looked into them all that much... heard a few things about them.

Free games... decent price... sounds good to me.
a.titus1 said:
Im planning on getting it, largely because its priced the best.

Yea, definitely a good price, seeing as I am cheap, don't work, don't plan on working, and i by the time it's released i'll be able to afford extra games/accessories from the money from my site :D
The central mistake I think sony and microsoft are making is they are trying to turn their game console into an entertainment center. I want a bloody game system, not an entertainment center.

Of course, if I had the money Id buy the 360 in a second, that things has some NEAT features.
a.titus1 said:
The central mistake I think sony and microsoft are making is they are trying to turn their game console into an entertainment center. I want a bloody game system, not an entertainment center.

Of course, if I had the money Id buy the 360 in a second, that things has some NEAT features.

I think their mistake is trying to turn their systems into pcs.
Here's what Nintendo does compared to MS and maybe Sony (but prob to a lesser degree)

MS tries to make the fastest, coolest, cutting edge graphics game there is.
Sony makes the coolest gadget and tries to change your life (MS tries this too)

Nintendo focuses on making FUN games... and I think ultimately that strategy has paid off
Dave said:
I'd like a 360, cos my friend has one and he loves it, but I'd rather save up all my money for a TV & Wii.

Or maybe we can all get good enough at seo to buy what we want! (Drools and abruptly awakens from his dream)
donn said:
Or maybe we can all get good enough at seo to buy what we want! (Drools and abruptly awakens from his dream)

Well with a project I have planned it might be possible, seeing as I expect it to take off fair quick :D
donn said:
Is that all you can say at this time Dave? I want to know more!

Sorry, it is
Don't wanna get anyones hopes up, it isn't a revolutionary idea, but it's been done a few times, but always dodgily - so i'm makin it good.
Dave said:
I'd like a 360, cos my friend has one and he loves it, but I'd rather save up all my money for a TV & Wii.

Xbox 360 is cool yeah. Have you seen Playstation 3's E3 presentaion? It sucked big time. Last year they told eveyone they don't like gimmicks and extra feautures and stuff. This year the only thing they did was adding gimmics.
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