Nigerian Type Scam - ATTN Especially Service Providers


New member
May 13, 2008
Hey guys,

I recently was hired by someone to write health-related articles for them. They wanted three articles per week that they could send to an orphanage - something their late parents did and they wanted to continue the "tradition" so to speak.

Their English wasn't so great and the details/how they explained things sounded a little fishy. We agreed that after they sent the check (they wouldn't pay by Paypal) that I would then come up with the article title/ideas for their approval. Upon the check clearing, I would release the articles to them.

Well, they sent a check. It was fishy looking, too. Plus, it was for more than what I was expecting. It was supposed to be $500 for two weeks, which is on-par with my regular clients. However, it was for $1,950. I thought *maybe* they decided to pay for a whole month.

But the company was in NJ and the bank in PA. The printing looked funny, too. So I took it to my bank and told them to verify everything and I'd call them next week. However, upon letting my client know it was deposited - they relplied with instrucitons to tak out my $500 and for the rest to Western Union to xxx in NY for book purchases they want to send to orphanage.

YEAH. Right. OK. Don't think so.

So just head's up. It doesn't have to be something sending money out of the country like most. They are starting to target freelancers, now. I've contacted a couple local news channels and sent an email to CNN.

What else do you think I can do? The check should still be sitting in the bank here if there's any way for authorities to try to catch them. I've also tried calling the company the check "came from". I checked their BBB and they have been around for years and have A+ rating. But the guys I've been in contact with are not any names I've found in the company. So I think that company may be used in this without them knowing. I'll continue to try to talk to someone there.

That's an OLD money laundering trick. Well, actually not even money laundering since usually the "check" they send you isn't real. Little old ladies and trusting souls fall for this shit, and they send back the "change" then the original check bounces and they're the ones that are out however much they sent back, while the scammers are long gone.

In some cases, the check and money IS real, but it's dirty and this is one method how they "clean" it. When it comes to light that the funds are dirty, they are pulled from the victim's account leaving them high and dry again. The end result is the same...bad.
LOL @ ayzo

SEO Mike, yeah. From what I've read - the check WILL clear. But then weeks later it will come to light that it's a counterfeit. Which sounds like, to me, that they company on the check didn't even know they were being used. That's why I tried to contact the company.

When I talked to my bank, she was like "Oh, won't clear through our system" But I won't be taking any of that money out.
Buy legit $5 money order, scan and photoshop, send $5000 money order.

Actually if you want to have some fun, string them along and act like you are trying to do what they want but are extremely incompetent. Make them send you small amounts of cash for transfer fees and other dumb shit.

Welcome to the 419 Eater
Their late parents sent articles to an orphange? What the fuck for? And this is a tradition? OK.

It is customary for old people to offer articles to orphanages so that their children are able to do elevator pitches successfully, while meeting VCs.


Where the hell does this tradition exist? What kind of a VC take a pitch from a kid who got an idea from some old bat they don't know? That makes no sense.
What kind of a VC take a pitch from a kid who got an idea from some old bat they don't know? That makes no sense.[/QUOTE said:
Huh? If your replying to my VC thread -- you have no reading comprehension whatsoever. Crack a few books dude.
If not - my bad.