Nigerian Spamers and Scammers?


Jul 18, 2009
Ive been tryin to sell some stuff on CL and i get these replies from women who want to buy things for their son in nigeria. i did some research bout this shyte and found out that its some sort of PayPal fraud. I wana know what is this thing that these SOBs are up to and how can i whoop their asses. i get atleast 20 - 30 mails a day. Has anyone else exp this prob as well?
Id like to know more.

Hahah..Fuck....this is a first for me. Thoh jokes with their game and see what they want.
Dude, I tried to sell a fucking Emerald on there and got the same shit. Some fucker replied and said "I live in Texas but am currently vacationing in Mexico. I want to purchase your Emerald but have been ripped off before. I would like to go through Paypal to make sure it's secure for both of us. I would like to send this Emerald to a Co worker in Africa blah blah". I was like wtf? I was trying to figure out how they were going to scam me. Here's what I came up with.

You get payment from the mother fucker. You then proceed to ship the goods out to some poverty stricken country in Africa. They will probably then proceed to file a claim against you. I'm unsure of how this works, but I think they would get their money back plus the goods. I don't know how else they would get this to work..
Dude, I tried to sell a fucking Emerald on there and got the same shit. Some fucker replied and said "I live in Texas but am currently vacationing in Mexico. I want to purchase your Emerald but have been ripped off before. I would like to go through Paypal to make sure it's secure for both of us. I would like to send this Emerald to a Co worker in Africa blah blah". I was like wtf? I was trying to figure out how they were going to scam me. Here's what I came up with.

You get payment from the mother fucker. You then proceed to ship the goods out to some poverty stricken country in Africa. They will probably then proceed to file a claim against you. I'm unsure of how this works, but I think they would get their money back plus the goods. I don't know how else they would get this to work..

I cant still figure out how they make a buck. I want to get these asswipes back. They want to fuck with me....I can fuck with them too.

Email them back and tell them that they can see more pics of the item at (careful :338:) http://wiickedfire/forsale/craigslist/photos/item_pics.html

Whts with the URL?

Im gona make these bastards pay before they can rip others off. Its time to take these motherfuckers on. This is not even Black Hat, This is plain FRAUD.
Sometimes you come across fellow human beings who can only be described as vile creatures, undeserving of the space they inhabit on this planet. The "reverend" Nicholas Okorie is one such pathetic excuse for a human being. Nicholas has contacted me purporting to represent a charity organisation collecting money for the Pakistan earthquake appeal.

FUCK! Thats Crude!
They use Paypal accounts, send payment as a gift, then recall the money saying it was an unauthorized payment a few days later. Paypal then refunds the amount that they sent.
They use Paypal accounts, send payment as a gift, then recall the money saying it was an unauthorized payment a few days later. Paypal then refunds the amount that they sent.

Is there a way to scam the scammer? Like get the money into your account as fast as you can. I guess you'd have to shut down what ever is attached to your Paypal account.
Is there a way to scam the scammer? Like get the money into your account as fast as you can. I guess you'd have to shut down what ever is attached to your Paypal account.

It's futile to try to counter-scam those guys, they start teaching fraud in Nigerian schools in Kindergarten, I think they have an entire curriculum built around it.

Best to stay away from them as much as possible and never do business with anyone that comes from that part of Africa.
Take the money and don't send anything. Make them do the work for nothing. Do it to all 20-30 of them you get each day. Open a paypal account under a different email for the scam.
It's futile to try to counter-scam those guys, they start teaching fraud in Nigerian schools in Kindergarten, I think they have an entire curriculum built around it.

Best to stay away from them as much as possible and never do business with anyone that comes from that part of Africa.

I doubt these mofos know anything about Africa. I doubt they are even from there. Ill piss in these bastards shorts if I ever see them again.
It boils down to two simple facts.

1) Paypal usually goes in favor of the first person to file the claim (buyer or seller, but usually the buyers are the ones filing claims).
2) If a product is shipped outside of the use, or is paid for by an unverified member, you are not entitled to protection by the Seller Protection Policy. (though likewise the buyer shouldn't be entitled to buyer protection policy either, but paypal tends to ignore that fact).
The paypal one is one of the worst I've seen in a while; it targets people who have probably used paypal a lot to buy things, but little experience as a seller. Since paypal is biased towards the buyer, it creates the impression that as a seller a person is similarly protected.

Check mule scams are still running wild on CL as well. I posted an ad for an appliance for $500- response came less then 2 hours after the post, never tried to haggle with price, always referred to what I was selling as "the item," asked to immediately remove the listing (so I wouldn't get another similar mail from another scammer) because he was serious about buying.

2 really long emails about how he would first send certified cashier's check and wait till it cleared, then he would have someone come pick up "the item."

What was going to happen is I would get a forged check for way over $500, he would wait till I said something, or otherwise would notify me about a "clerical error" and direct me to deposit the check and return the difference. The "movers" would be a fake shipping company probably on the Ivory Coast who would send me a mail on their own and get me to ship "the item" through a legit freight carrier to a port in the U.S. where they would supposedly pick it up from there. Then I would get another frantic email about how the shippers would only take cash and to send them some money. Since I hadn't returned the difference yet, just use some of that money to send to somewhere in W. Africa via MoneyGram...

I just replied, "cash only, local pickup," and never heard from him again, although I have a good feeling this fucker flagged my ad after the fact.