Nicky Gets Some Warrior Love

Warrior forum mentality: OMG I got a backlink from a site better than mine, nevermind the fact that the site says I'm a fuckin' idiot, bring on the link juice! LOL
Warrior forum mentality: OMG I got a backlink from a site better than mine, nevermind the fact that the site says I'm a fuckin' idiot, bring on the link juice! LOL
Dennis Yu mentality - negative media is still free media
Why the fuck do these gays... I mean "guys"... always squint and pucker their lips when taking pictures? They look ridiculous!
Evidently none of them bothered to look at the source or install nodofollow.
Looks like the thread got deleted because some people actually said the god of the warrior forum, Steven Wagerwhatever, deserved to be there.


P.S. For those who don't know, that guy is Steven Wagenheim.
LAUGH OUT FUCKING LOUD at the "Wow I wish I got a high-powered backlink to MY site!" comment.

Facepalm Deluxe.
Nah, thought about it but didn't think they'd actually delete the thread. (Guess they're bigger douches than we even given them credit for.)