Niche keyword tool


New member
Nov 22, 2011
With the downfall of Market Samurai I have decided it was time to look for a new tool. I was suggested semrush but since I am very new and only have a few sites I cannot justiy the monthly cost at this point. I do think its a great program. I have come across a few other programs such as nichefinder, ultimate niche finder etc. I would like to see some other suggest or your opinions.

Ultimate Niche Finder with the WF discount is probably your best bet from a value standpoint. SerpIQ I believe will give you access to SEMRush data for a reasonable monthly feed.

But if you only have a few sites, there are free versions of software from SEO Spyglass and Ahrefs that are rather helpful.
UNF is always good for a scan, TTravis isn't bad...but it looks more like a gimick

Free is usually a good way to go, and doing your homework with google keyword tool is the way to start. It's kind of incredible that the service is free
Compared to MS, which just essentially compiles that data and adds MajesticSEO's info for competition...yes its amazing it's free...
Ultimate Niche Finder - $49 with WF discount.
Proxy Bonanza - $17 or so monthly (Paypal only)

It's worth every penny.

My keyword creativity has exploded since I stumbled across this tool.
Recently I've switched over from market samurai to ultimate niche finder,
So far I havn't really had any complaints with it and it works great!
Right now serp IQ majestic seo and the regular keyword tool is the way to go.

99% of research programs with the word niche in them use crappy ass data for competition analysis in favor of looking at lots of keywords.

If you're doing big budget large scale research feel free to shoot me a pm I have some toys that work great if you're in the big boy market.
A few cheaper alternatives are Stealth Keyword Digger and Keyword Surfer if you don't want to spend 50+ on a keyword tool.
Google penguin change the keyword usages


I am new to wikedfire. I am doing SEO from 4+ years and doing keyword research from a lot time.

Now after 24th April 2012 Google Penguin update, SEO and keyword research is changed. Now if you are using any keyword tool then you should use sub keywords of your main keyword.

Google needs to see relevancy of any term with your website.

Example - if your site is related to dog training and your keyword is "dog training" so do not link your all backlinks to same keyword.. Change your keyword like "train your dogs", "dog training program", "dog training schools" and etc.

Google adwords external tool is best for getting top keyword research :banana_sml:

With the downfall of Market Samurai I have decided it was time to look for a new tool. I was suggested semrush but since I am very new and only have a few sites I cannot justiy the monthly cost at this point. I do think its a great program. I have come across a few other programs such as nichefinder, ultimate niche finder etc. I would like to see some other suggest or your opinions.