Niche atms

niche atms

well, I'll tell you, yes the sales pitch is for the drag n drop website make and the fee is yes $997.00 monthly. pretty crazy right...however, after dissecting and analyzing the most recent video, it is inherently pretty awesome, and you don't even need to sign up to glean the wealth that is displayed openly. If you look up the site the amt of traffic for the keyword is off the hook in numbers. And also if you use a large volume keyword as your domain name and add the additional value of putting a .org extension which gives extra bonus points for google ranking according to the video, I have done affiiliate marketing and that is the norm for precisely that reason, is to increase pr ranking. Now the next thing is if you look at the navigation links , these were the next series of keywords, that indicated a very large search volume. Now here is where it all comes in to play, for each of the navigation pages there is a google news feed and also a other sites searched relative only to the keyword used in the navigation links. In addition , on the site there is a video relative only to the keyword page that it is on for the link.
And than lastly the drop down menu leads to insurance quotes for which is a CPA network portal for a complany called which is a CPA network for insurance. the site in the video took hardly any time to make. Now the point of this is that no I probably am not going to layout 997.00 monthly when I can create a wordpress blog which will do the same thing for the price of my domain , but geeeze, wake up and smell the money. Look at the potential on this it is not pretty but it is brilliant in scope and practicality. And ya know what else, "Nathan Anderson" definitely has the money to research this idea, and it is a cookie cutter idea, that if you can manage to get a cpa account and run with this idea , it is making alot of people alot of cash.
nuff said....
ya'll just be skimmin the surface, I'm just as broke as the next guy, what ya be missin is that if you join a cpa network it doesn't cost anything just have to pay for a domain 8.99 at godaddy, see things for what they are who cares about niche atms anyways, take the gold in the information and run with it, ya gotta break things down, take a good look at the techniques being used, don't matter what they charge anyways if you can see through it.... its pretty obvious, but the value is in the cpa networks, check that out and it is insane where they are willing to pay you at least 7.00 per click. So laugh at that...
ya'll just be skimmin the surface, I'm just as broke as the next guy, what ya be missin is that if you join a cpa network it doesn't cost anything just have to pay for a domain 8.99 at godaddy, see things for what they are who cares about niche atms anyways, take the gold in the information and run with it, ya gotta break things down, take a good look at the techniques being used, don't matter what they charge anyways if you can see through it.... its pretty obvious, but the value is in the cpa networks, check that out and it is insane where they are willing to pay you at least 7.00 per click. So laugh at that...

You failed high school English hard, huh?

If you're thinking about coming back with "This is the internet, I don't care about my grammar", then shut the fuck up. No one likes reading a wall of text, especially when it's a wall of retarded text.
ya'll just be skimmin the surface, I'm just as broke as the next guy, what ya be missin is that if you join a cpa network it doesn't cost anything just have to pay for a domain 8.99 at godaddy, see things for what they are who cares about niche atms anyways, take the gold in the information and run with it, ya gotta break things down, take a good look at the techniques being used, don't matter what they charge anyways if you can see through it.... its pretty obvious, but the value is in the cpa networks, check that out and it is insane where they are willing to pay you at least 7.00 per click. So laugh at that...

the fuck is niche atms

1. Find a cpa offer.
2. Find 5 exact match .orgs to build a link wheel around your offer with.
3. Silo the shit out of them
4. Get them to the top of page 2 on google automagically.
5. ????
6. Profit

True story, bro. Cuz we all know how baller that traffic at position 11 is.
Falian out does himself

So listen you judgemental piece of dog dung, I guess you have nothing better to do than sit on you own pedestal and try to attack others, why don't you grow up ! Senior member, ya right, I found a few of your marbles on the floor. If all you can do is criticize than you have a hecka of alot more to learn about life... quit being a legend in your own mind...