NEWS FLASH!!! Jerkin yer Gerkin and Swallowing the juice will make you LIVE LONGER!!!

Midas Touch

He who laughs, LASTS!!
Dec 20, 2008
Dave's World
Alright, I've about had it with all the Femi-Nazi crap on here of late about the "So-Called" hazards of taking care of your own Man Meat!!

Not just good, but good for you - Health - Sexual health - Sexploration -

1. Easing depression and stress
Bass says this is pretty definite. “The release from orgasm does much to calm people. It helps with sleep, and that is whether we talk about solo sex or sex with a partner,” she says.

4. Countering prostate cancer
Over the past few years, several journals have published studies showing that the more ejaculations the better.
Now the Journal of the American Medical Association, no less, has reported that “high ejaculation frequency was related to decreased risk of total prostate cancer.” It doesn’t matter how a man climaxes -- intercourse or masturbation. So next time he says, “Really, honey, it’s therapy,” he could be telling the truth.

6. Fighting aging.....

"...In the same population of British men I cited earlier, researchers found a 50 percent reduction in overall mortality in the group of men who said they had the most orgasms. There was a dose response: the more orgasms, the better."

Swallowing Semen

Men may consume their own semen after masturbation, sex, or autofellatio.
Nutritional value

Semen is primarily water, but contains trace amounts of almost every nutrient the human body uses. It has somewhat higher amounts of commonly deficient minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, and selenium.
One typical ejaculation contains 150 mg of protein, 11 mg of carbohydrates, 6 mg fat, 3 mg cholesterol, 7% US RDA potassium and 3% US RDA copper and zinc.
When metabolized, protein yields 4 kcal/g, carbohydrate also yields 4 kcal/g, and fat yields 9 kcal/g. Hence the food energy in the typical ejaculation is 0.7 kcal (2.9 kJ).

Cultural practices

In some cultures, semen is attributed with special properties of masculinity. Several tribes of Papua New Guinea, including the Sambia and the Etoro, believe that semen provides sexual maturation among the younger men of their tribe.
To them, sperm possesses the manly nature of the tribal elders, and in order to pass down their authority and powers, younger men of their next generation must fellate their elders and ingest their semen. This custom commences among prepubescent males and postpubescents.

Semen Therapy Adult Only

Semen Therapy is swallowing semen from a healthy man, three times a week or more, for the benefits to your body, mind and spirit.
Semen is a natural source of: protein, vitamins, minerals; Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Calcium, Fructose, Selenium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc.
Human Specific Elements: Blood-Group Antigens like: TGFbeta, Prostaglandins, Spermidine, Testosterone, Glycoproteins including: Zinc-Alpha-2-Glycoprotein.

Swallowing Semen Makes You Happy

Ingredients in semen... include mood enhancers like estrone, cortisol, prolactin, oxytocin, and serotonin; a sleep enhancer, melatonin; and of course, sperm, which makes up only 1%-5%.

The benefits of semen contact also were seen in fewer suicide attempts and better performance on cognition tests (IQ tests). (Keeps depression away!!)

An ode to the many evolved virtues of human semen | Bering in Mind, Scientific American Blog Network

"For both men and women, heterosexual and homosexual, knowing that the penis is capable of dispensing a sort of natural Prozac—whether obtained vaginally, anally or orally—..."

And on a lighter note.......which one of you Cunning/Cumming Geniuses put this into the Meta Tags of your damn e-tail vitamin store?!!!

<meta name="keywords" content="Mens Health Benefits To Eating Cum" />
<meta name="description" content="Learn about Mens Health Benefits To Eating Cum and find vitamins and supplements priced at wholesale cost or below for Fatigue, , Eating Disorders ..." />
Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements | Seacoast Vitamins

Below are some of the site's page inter-links!!


Mens Health Benefits To Eating Cum

Mens Health Benefits To Eating Cum | Vitamin Supplement for Mens Health Benefits To Eating Cum

Health Benefits To Men Eating Semen | Vitamin Supplement for Health Benefits To Men Eating Semen

Benefits Of Swallowing Cum For Men | Vitamin Supplement for Benefits Of Swallowing Cum For Men

Nature Of Mens Cum | Vitamin Supplement for Nature Of Mens Cum

Benefits Of Men Eating Cum | Vitamin Supplement for Benefits Of Men Eating Cum

If you read through the pages of the links above you will not only see that you SHOULD pull your pud regularly, but QUIT WASTING THE LIQUID HEALTH!!!


Oh, and there is some pretty good shit in there to convince your partner to have A LOT MORE Oral, Vaginal, and Anal sex!!!

So, get OFF the No Fap Crap and remember......"If it feels good....DO IT or PULL IT and then EAT IT or whatever!!"


P.S. Not to leave out you animal lovers.....Here's a link:

New Zealand Pub Serves Shots of Apple-Flavored Horse Semen



Nutritional value

Semen is primarily water, but contains trace amounts of almost every nutrient the human body uses. It has somewhat higher amounts of commonly deficient minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, and selenium.
One typical ejaculation contains 150 mg of protein, 11 mg of carbohydrates, 6 mg fat, 3 mg cholesterol, 7% US RDA potassium and 3% US RDA copper and zinc.
When metabolized, protein yields 4 kcal/g, carbohydrate also yields 4 kcal/g, and fat yields 9 kcal/g. Hence the food energy in the typical ejaculation is 0.7 kcal (2.9 kJ).

Cultural practices

In some cultures, semen is attributed with special properties of masculinity. Several tribes of Papua New Guinea, including the Sambia and the Etoro, believe that semen provides sexual maturation among the younger men of their tribe.
To them, sperm possesses the manly nature of the tribal elders, and in order to pass down their authority and powers, younger men of their next generation must fellate their elders and ingest their semen. This custom commences among prepubescent males and postpubescents.

Semen Therapy Adult Only

Semen Therapy is swallowing semen from a healthy man, three times a week or more, for the benefits to your body, mind and spirit.
Semen is a natural source of: protein, vitamins, minerals; Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Calcium, Fructose, Selenium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc.
Human Specific Elements: Blood-Group Antigens like: TGFbeta, Prostaglandins, Spermidine, Testosterone, Glycoproteins including: Zinc-Alpha-2-Glycoprotein.

Swallowing Semen Makes You Happy

Ingredients in semen... include mood enhancers like estrone, cortisol, prolactin, oxytocin, and serotonin; a sleep enhancer, melatonin; and of course, sperm, which makes up only 1%-5%.

The benefits of semen contact also were seen in fewer suicide attempts and better performance on cognition tests (IQ tests). (Keeps depression away!!)

I know this is a gay webmaster forum, but woah....



I'd bet if he had been DRINKING his SPUNK instead of wasting it on a towel he would be alive today!!!

I didn't post this thread in time for that young man it would seem....but this thread just might SAVE the life of some young Wickedfire member and avoid any such future tragedies!!!

what a wanker.

seriously though ... I knew it was a bad idea to click on this thread.


Yep Yep :throwup:

Hmmmm....I'd dig up the Worst Titties thread that PappaJohn started about a year ago and Necropost in it....but most of the images are no defunkt!!
