Newbs: Two Examples of why GoDaddy sucks


New member
May 28, 2009
I too am "newb" but I'm not as bad as you. Pay attention.

I received an email from GoDaddy today - my hosting account there doesn't expire until October.

It offered - for the low, low price of $5 per month PER Wordpress install - to "license" the Askimet plugin to reduce spam. This installs "out of the box" with Wordpress by the way - although I am willing to be GoDaddy's install of Wordpress no longer includes it.

The Askimet plugin price is....drumroll please....ZERO FUCKING DOLLARS.

They do the same thing with FeedZilla - it's complete and utter bullshit.

Hosting with GoDaddy is like hitting yourself over the head with a feels SO good when you stop.

I had trouble with GoDaddy on their rebill subscription. They made it as hard as humanly possible to cancel the rebill and get a refund.

Never again will I deal with them.
If you have domains with Godaddy, fine, but their hosting is the absolute worst thing I've ever seen. It's for people who haven't a clue what they're doing. It reminds me of those quicken commercials selling WYSIWYG software and hosting for like 5 bucks a month and they show customers lining up at your business as soon as your site goes online. I had a couple of sites at Godaddy once for one reason or another and it was the most frustrating thing I've ever experienced.
If you buy a domain for 10$ with whois privacy.... you'll be charge 20$ next year. You're fn stuck.
Makes me glad I picked hostgator to do my hosting. I have heard a few people complain about them, but I have never had an issue.

Fortunately I've never done anything besides domains with them, but I'm in the process of transfering them all out as they reach renewal. Namecheap has got my business from now on. Free whois protection makes it worth the extra dollar I pay for a domain. Godaddy is just awful.
Godaddy hosting has the worst control panel I've ever seen. I did site design for someone who already had godaddy hosting and wanted to shoot myself
Had a client running $5k+ a month PPC traffic to their business site hosted on Godaddy. I created an account at siteuptime JUST to moniter it because I knew how much Godaddy sucked. While working on the site I'd constantly get 404's, but they'd be resolved so fast that the monitoring script never picked them up.
GoDaddy will market very aggressively. Not surprised to see their privacy renewals continuing to shock newbies.

(Akismet needs to be licensed if you have a high traffic commercial site.)
Godaddy hosting has the worst control panel I've ever seen. I did site design for someone who already had godaddy hosting and wanted to shoot myself

The sad, sad thing is that I have to ask if you mean worst as in "designed by a drunken asshole" or worst as in "slower then the frackin' ice age".

I've been in there a lot the past few days transferring sites to my new VPS - it's making me crazy.

Response time on my VPS for pretty much any command/browser refresh is < 1 second. GoDaddy's is frequently 30 seconds or more.
While dealing with godaddy sucks on several different levels, in the time it takes to transfer all your domains and sites elsewhere, you will have gained an extensive knowledge of what it means to upsell.
they are just playing the game.. I give them props as they are making some $$$ from it

adapt or get burned
Go Daddy

They better change their name into Go Away Daddy. What an unprofessional web hosting company is that. I hosted with them for 6 months. After that I ran away as quick as I could. More stories at
Yep you said it.

For me: Registering domains with Namecheap + hosting with hostgator/hawkhost = winning.