Newbies - How do you manage your time?


New member
Mar 6, 2007
Being a long, long time lurker of this forum and just recently deciding to make a dedicated effort to supplement my income with internet monies I've found it hard to get started due to my time management.

I have a 9-5 job working from home as a Sales Engineer for a software company (I can't code, yet...) that I started July 1. Being new to the company I am behind the curve so I've had to dedicated extra time to learn the product and its capabilities. Soon I will be hitting the road occasionally which will take me away from my home office and into the hotel world, which may actually be better for getting work done since I'll be alone in my hotel room at night.

Now my question for you the new class of internet marketers, how much time are you spending daily learning, actually doing work, or just brainstorming? Between work and wife I find I'm able to dedicated about 2 hours a night before she gets pissed and yells for me to attend some activity which is usually watching tv or a movie.

Is two hours enough to be successful?

Is two hours enough to be successful?

It's enough to see if you have the stomach for it.

Seriously though, three years worth of reading is enough. Go get yourself set up with hosting, do some research, buy a domain, get writing (or hire it out), and start testing stuff.
i am much the same, i am currently trying to juggle my time between a full time office job as an electrical engineer and studying for a degree in building services science at as well as keeping my girlfriend happy and learning the ropes of internet marketing! IT IS HARD, i find i dont have much time to dedicate to AM but if you develop a plan of action and devote some weekend time to it also then that should be enough... well hopefuly it will be for me anyway!

with everything else i am somehow managing to give 15-20 hours per week to internet marketing... i dont get much sleep either lol

I spend 2-4 hours a day after work for development

About 1 hour at work for checking things

12 hours on Saturday and another 12 on Sunday
I am about the same as noobtastic.

I also work full time, wrapping up my last few classes in my computer science degree, and building my online empire.

Whats up WiredNiko. I am from the nasty nati too but live in Columbus now. Went to St. X for hs. Pm me
I am about the same as noobtastic.

I also work full time, wrapping up my last few classes in my computer science degree, and building my online empire.

Whats up WiredNiko. I am from the nasty nati too but live in Columbus now. Went to St. X for hs. Pm me

Is this a date?
How successful do you want to be? Are you happy working for the man? I believe it was Donald Trump that said it best, 'You never get rich working for another man'.

As far as brainstorming goes, I do that everywhere I go. A few months ago I got an idea for one of my biggest money makers currently while I was in walmart of all places. Buckle down and do it to it man, even if you only spend 2 hours a night to start out with you'll either fail, or get addicted to online monies like the rest of us :p

Good luck :) Toss me a PM if you want someone to talk to.
I like to hit it hard for a week or so 10-16 hrs a day, then relax for about the same period of time (do some reading here) to let my works pay off, Besides that's what makes affiliate marketing so great!! You can still get paid from work you've done years ago especially with a good lifetime revenue program. I took a whole month off and didn't miss a beat in my income.
"I took a whole month off and didn't miss a beat in my income"

I want to go to there....if you don't watch 30 rock, you won't understand)

That's cirtainly a goal any noob, myself included, should reach for.
Ok, first off for you guys who have a partner wife/girlfriend/whatever that gets PISSED for you investing time to create a better future, you definitely will have a "Tough Row to Hoe"!!

You cannot let anyone get inside your head to deter you from putting in the time and effort it takes to get this working for you.

It's tough enough to push yourself through the stagnant times let alone when someone you have an emotional investment in is trying to pull you away from it.

Now that aside, you need to find out just how much time you can REALLY devote to your business. Once you have this information you can then divide the time up by priority.


1.) MARKET RESEARCH. This is the FIRST thing you must do. Find out "where" the buyers are and WHAT they are buying. Then look for an offer to promote.

2.) TRAFFIC SOURCES. How are you going to drive traffic to the offer. I know this sounds a little out of sequence, but I like to have a good idea of whether I will be promoting this product for a long time or is it a temporary thing that is in demand for the moment but could lose momentum in the near future. These things will determine what type of domain I will want and how I will utilize the keyword for the campaign. So I do this step before getting my domain name.

3.) TECHNICAL. Are you doing everything yourself? Do you need to learn Web Site Design principals? Html, CSS, PHP, Graphics Creation/Manipulation and Database Creation & management? Are you proficient in Linux?

You will need to devote as much time as you need to accomplish whatever task is at hand. Maybe not to the nth degree, but enough to keep moving forward with your project. Your skills will increase with repetition and time provided you keep at it.

I'm a firm believer that "You will learn what you need to learn as you do stuff out of necessity." No sense in spending a bunch of dead time learning say html when you are going to be using Wordpress for the site of your campaign. Instead setup your Wordpress and have some PHP reference material at hand to learn what you need to get the site up and running properly.

4.) AD COPY WRITING. This is as much an Art as it is an actual science. There are proven psychological principles that are tried and true, but you also need to blend in the current atmosphere of the state of things to make it natural & smooth. Jay Abraham stuff is time tested copy writing techniques for you to study.

This too will improve with the action of DOING IT.

Here's a link to a little nugget to help save you time in writing copy for your stuff: Video: Jay Abraham on Using Amazon to Inspire Excellent Copy | James Brown Marketing

I won't keep on with this or I'd be accused of creating an eBook here. Lulz

You get the idea though.

Just FOCUS on each step of the process as you are in it. Then things will get both easier and faster each time you do it again.

Use and THINK of your time as "money" you are investing in your business and definitely EXPECT a good return on your investment. This way you will not WASTE your precious time on non-productive activities.

Even at this late date, "I" still think to myself each time I start something new in my Internet Marketing activities, "A journey of a THOUSAND MILES begins with only a single FORWARD STEP!!!"

BTW, anyone who is looking for a mentor should get into an affiliate network and try to find an Affiliate Manager whose genuinely interested your success. This is of course to their benefit as well.

A good AFF_MGR will guide you along the correct paths to promote the available offers so long as he/she feels that you are DILIGENT in your efforts to promote the network's products. Oh, and ALWAYS be up front with them on your capabilities. Whether that is financial or potential traffic.

For the most part, the guys here will help in this section so long as the Poster seems to be putting in some effort and is asking pretty SPECIFIC questions and not just some, "Hey how can I make money online?" general type of question.

If you can put a SOLID 2 hours a day into this you can get an online business going. It will take longer than if you did it full time of course, but it is doable.

This means 2 hours of actual PRODUCTIVE time DOING STUFF to move your business forward and not cruising around in forums. If you are stuck and looking for an answer to move forward it's fine to look on sites like here. Just be sure to have your "BLINDERS" on so that you do not get side tracked. Once you get side tracked you could easily lose an hour of that precious 2 hours just reading stuff.

So, once you have found your answer, GET BACK TO PRODUCTIVE activities and implement the new found information.

Alright, enough of my ramblings. Time for me to get back to something productive for my own stuff.