Newbie Questions - New and First time bloggerer


New member
May 8, 2009
This is the first time I have ever joined any blog site so hopefully I posting this in the right section.

I found out about affiliate marketing a few years buddy made a ton of money being an affiliate manager for CX Digital Media...I won't get into his personal details - but there was a lot of good times hanging out with him in 2009.

Along the way I learned the nature of the game....but never really got into actually executing on some of the knowledge I gained....Just turning 30 this past May, I still have not reached my goals in life and thought I'd revisit this world.

I heard a lot of good reviews about this blog from the prosper202 website (great site) so hopefully I can gain some valuable information and at some point in time, give back to this blog.

I have a few Question's:

When it comes to targeting and trying to break into an optimized and existing campaign on Facebook - what is the best way for a guy with a minimum budget of a few thousand dollars to enter this market?

Does Facebook prefer advertisers who pay for their ads on CPM basis or CPC basis? or is it strictly determined by the CTR? (My confusion is....if Facebook makes guaranteed money on CPM why would they display ads that are based on CPC bidding structure for a campaign that has already flooded that demo in Facebook?)

What is the ratio of money required to do a test on facebook to start a campaign?....say I have 1000 dollars as an initial much of that will be required for testing or is more money required? I know my demos are between 25-35 ,35-45 and 45-55 and 55+ off the top of my head. Should I use one Ad to see which one has the best CTR and then use X number of creatives across the demo to split test my conversions?

I have 1000 dollars to gamble with this Friday....I feel like taking a shot and hoping for the best - can I get lucky paying for CPM or should I just do CPC?

I am strictly looking at email submissions of full name, email address and phone number. And the product they are interested in.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


FB doesn't care whether you do CPM or CPC, but CPC will get you much higher CTR's because FB will put your ads on pages with higher CTR's.