Newbie question about Twitter


War Room Member
I been using twitter for a week or two and already got 20 followers and following 60 people.
I am usually a harmless type of guy but yesterday I recieved a few tweets from couple of ppl I follow which I disagreed so I sent a couple of replies to two bitches and told them of my disagreement. My tweets weren't abusive in any way.
They disliked them and instantly blocked me. After that my twitter account was immediately suspended and it said it was suspended due to sending unsolicited spam. WTF? I only sent acouple of tweets in reply to those bitches. How is this spam?
On top of that both the bitches added me to some sort of lists instantly. These are the names of those lists


Obviously I am not a rapist or asshole or a psycho. And I wouldn't like my name in those lists. I want to know what twitter terms and rules say about such lists? Isn't this an abuse of the free service?
How do I remove my name from those lists?

I been using twitter for a week or two and already got 20 followers and following 60 people.
I am usually a harmless type of guy but yesterday I recieved a few tweets from couple of ppl I follow which I disagreed so I sent a couple of replies to two bitches and told them of my disagreement. My tweets weren't abusive in any way.
They disliked them and instantly blocked me. After that my twitter account was immediately suspended and it said it was suspended due to sending unsolicited spam. WTF? I only sent acouple of tweets in reply to those bitches. How is this spam?
On top of that both the bitches added me to some sort of lists instantly. These are the names of those lists


Obviously I am not a rapist or asshole or a psycho. And I wouldn't like my name in those lists. I want to know what twitter terms and rules say about such lists? Isn't this an abuse of the free service?
How do I remove my name from those lists?

If you give me your twitter password, I can remove your name from those lists.
Hows me killin myself helps remove those fucking lists off the twitter website? Your a fucking disgrace sir.

LOL never. I hate you :(

I'm only trying to help.

If you PM me your Paypal login information I'll send you some money. I'll need your password, obviously, but I'll send you a couple of hundo, just so there's no hard feelings. Deal?