Newbie Question About Social Bookmarking


Expert Gambling Writer
Oct 30, 2010
I'm completely new to this and have a WordPress blog on a new domain that I'm working on, and although I *think* I'm doing this right, I want to make sure. Feel free to flame away if this is a dumb question. :]

To build links, I found some social bookmarking sites that had decent PR (3-6) on the homepage and have started posting some of my articles/posts there. I've made an account on each of them and am planning on posting 3-5 links on each account. I've kept a list of the URLs from posting my articles/posts, and made an RSS feed of those URLs. Then I've uploaded the feed to my hosting in a directory like .com/seo/feedname.xml so that it's organized and doesn't conflict with any WordPress feeds (not sure if that could happen but w/e). After uploading the feed, I've pinged the feed using some blog pinger I found on Google, sometimes using a different one for each batch of 10-15 links.

So I guess my questions are if I'm doing this right, and if so/if not, what am I missing? Many thanks for any replies I might get!

hmmmm...think about it in terms of someone who owns a bookmarking account...are they only going to bookmark a single site's pages? or are they going to bookmark a ton of pages/sites?

the power of bookmarking accounts is that you can build authority by bookmarking a ton of shit, sprinkling your interlinking backlinks amongst each thing you backlink on the site...keep that in mind as you backlink your own sites...
hmmmm...think about it in terms of someone who owns a bookmarking account...are they only going to bookmark a single site's pages? or are they going to bookmark a ton of pages/sites?

the power of bookmarking accounts is that you can build authority by bookmarking a ton of shit, sprinkling your interlinking backlinks amongst each thing you backlink on the site...keep that in mind as you backlink your own sites...
I definitely see your point here. My immediate reaction was that I don't want to waste the linking power if I put forth the effort to post to these bookmarking accounts. After a few minutes thinking about this, here's what I've come up with that I'll probably do now unless someone comes up with a good reason that I shouldn't.

I'm considering making dummy blogs on free platforms like Blogger,, Tumblr, etc., and posting a few of the interesting things I find in my day-to-day forum surfing on them. Then when I can post from the social bookmarking sites to random things on these blogs without ever having to link to the same blog twice from any individual bookmarking account. After accumulating say 5-10 posts on one blog, I'd start a new one, and a simple spreadsheet would be sufficient to keep up with them all.

Each of these blogs would then have a little bit of linking power themselves, which I could put to use, which would make my social bookmarking profiles look more natural and less spammy, but would also allow me to build more of a linking foundation.

Thank you very much for your reply! It's getting me to think about this stuff more. :)
Sorry for the double post but I can't edit:

Above I said, "Then when I can post from the social bookmarking sites to random things on these blogs without ever having to link to the same blog twice from any individual bookmarking account," which doesn't make any sense. I think I meant to say, "Then I can post from the social bookmarking sites to random things on these blogs without ever having to link to the same blog twice from any individual bookmarking account.