Newbie Question about Backlinks


New member
Aug 16, 2010
Say I go onto Google and type in my keyword - let's say it's "how to kill rabbits" and I take the top website that's called I find that they have 200 backlinks to this keyword.

If I blog comment/article submit etc until I have 201 backlinks with this anchor text, will that mean that I'll be drawing or even above

Or does it depend on page rankings of the sites I've got incoming links from and also how keyword optimized the content on my site is? I guess these are two factors, but yeah in theory - above question...?


on page seo for the term, anchor text of those 200 links, where the links are coming from, etc. cant just say 201 and i win because there are too many factors that go into it.
Hmm okay. Yeah all my backlinks are with the anchor text of my keyword, I really want to rank well with this one keyword. Competitors on first page have 100-500 backlinks on this keyword.
Well I'm using backlinkwatch, so if I compare mine and theirs on the same backlinkwatch site I should be fine to draw conclusions how to how many backlinks my and their sites have right?

if that makes sense.

They might have 1000 but BLW shows 500
I might have 1000 but BLW shows 500

Thanks guys. Also, if you comment twice on different blog posts but on the same blog, does that count as 2 valid backlinks - even those they're from same root URL?
on page seo for the term, anchor text of those 200 links, where the links are coming from, etc. cant just say 201 and i win because there are too many factors that go into it.

^ This, and I'll explain thy.

Say I go onto Google and type in my keyword - let's say it's "how to kill rabbits" and I take the top website that's called I find that they have 200 backlinks to this keyword.

If I blog comment/article submit etc until I have 201 backlinks with this anchor text, will that mean that I'll be drawing or even above


Or does it depend on page rankings of the sites I've got incoming links from and also how keyword optimized the content on my site is?

That's a broad view of the general idea.

Hmm okay. Yeah all my backlinks are with the anchor text of my keyword, I really want to rank well with this one keyword. Competitors on first page have 100-500 backlinks on this keyword.

The idea is to not look spammy. If you are only getting backlinks on sites with one keyword in the anchor text, do you think that looks natural? No.

You need to have multiple variations of that keyword, preferably within the same specific area and are targeted for good traffic that will convert after you've done keyword research on the niche.

For example, "how to kill rabbits" might be your category. You would do research and find that while you can get 13 (see what I did there?) targeted exact match visitors a month for that keyword phrase. While doing your research you'd find other keywords in the same category that'd go good for that page as well such as "how to kill brown rabbits" that may get 18 exact searches a month, "kill rabbits eating lettuce" that may get 7 exact searches a month, and "killing rabbits that ate my baby" (it'd be a partial phrase used by many people that got picked up in Google's keyword research that probably was typed in for "carrots", "potatos", etc. after "baby" but dropped because of low numbers of searches on their own) that may get 11 exact searches a month.

Rotating these above keywords with your main keyword will make your link building less spammy and reduce the footprint, while also helping increase your semantic relevance for your main keyword.

All of those keyword phrases will work together to help increase relevance while also increasing the amount of traffic you'd get otherwise if you only used one keyword.

The best way to do it is to find WHERE their backlinks are coming FROM and get the same backlinks +1 more..

Most of the time you can't get all of the competitors backlinks. Even if you got all of them +1, you won't get their rank.

Your on-page SEO will be different, your backlinks may lose their effectiveness, your domain age is different, the keyword relevance with your domain will have a different weight than theirs, etc.

The best strategy is to keep getting more and more from different types of sites, especially those in the same niche with similar content, and continue until you've gotten the rank you want and then gradually taper the link building off over several months.
Thanks a lot man!! Appreciated.

would you say an anchor text of how to kill brown rabbits will also help my keyword of how to kill rabbits? (for example, this isn't my niche btw ha)

Or are you saying it won't - but it'll certainly help keyword relevance of my site etc?
would you say an anchor text of how to kill brown rabbits will also help my keyword of how to kill rabbits? (for example, this isn't my niche btw ha)

Rotating these above keywords with your main keyword will make your link building less spammy and reduce the footprint, while also helping increase your semantic relevance for your main keyword.

All of those keyword phrases will work together to help increase relevance while also increasing the amount of traffic you'd get otherwise if you only used one keyword.

Both ^^
If you're trying out outrank an EMD, it will be tougher (at least for now until G changes their Algo as they say they will) than if it was just a random site. Here's what I would do:

1. Build backlinks with the anchor text I'm trying to rank for.
2. Check to see if I'm ranked #1:
a. If not, repeat step 1
b. If yes, repeat step one but insert a pause in between to slow down

If you notice, this script runs endlessly.
Great Discussion people i had the same question which is now solved just by entering in your discussion. Thanks
There are many criteria which is making that site on first. Its content must be having quality information, the sites from where it got links, its on page optimization and so on.
I think because he has created a backlinks on a good you should also try to create backlinks on good sites.
It's quality over quantity with link building. One good link from a prominent site in the killing rabbits niche, like, is FAR more powerful than hundreds of scattered links from articles and such.

And as others have said, with anchor text use synonyms as Google likes it/it looks more natural.