Newbie Needs help again.

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I need a life
Jul 31, 2006
Hey Everyone,

I have recently been trying to start up on advertising online...and I have no online experience at all. So far I got a little set up, in the past day, but it is still far from complete. However, I was just thinking ahead, how could I increase traffic to my site? I may try to post in some articles places and such, but being that mine is more of selling ipod stuff, will it really get people into my site?

Also, I'm not sure if anyone is familiar with Wordpress, but I made a link to my site in this forum so that people could help me(in another part of wickedfire) and yet in my administrative panel it said that there were no incoming links.

Last of all, will I make any money at all with my affiliate link placement? I simply put them straight into each review. How is the layout and do you think I should put YPN! or GoogleAdsense in there? Any suggestions at all?

Thanks, you guys are awesome.

I'm a newb too but I can help a bit.
Submit your site to and see what happens.

Sure slap some adsense on there or YPN if you have it (lucky...). Just don't over-do the ads. Get targetted traffic and keep adding new content.

All the while, try to get indexed and ranked well in the search engines.
It would help if you posted that link in this thread because I don't remember what site it was or what thread you posted it in.
ok, thanks for the tip Ferraristi!

uh...sorry for posting in the wrong forum and thanks for moving it. sorry for the hassle
Also I would look to get a little more content per review. Also sound more confident and critique in your reviews. No body is going to get offended. For exmaple on your homepage you say,
" At, we will try to review many Ipod Car Accessories so that you can get the most for your money."

I think if you changed some of the wording around to reassure people you are here for them not to waste their money etc. For exmaple you say, "we will try to review". Instead of that say we review many ipod assecories and bring you the best so you dont have to waste your time or money etc. You want to sound like a learned source.

I also agree with forum sig idea. I am also in a maxima forum and I get many uniques a day from that forum as well just from my sig.

Also get you some AD'S on there. Take the advice of one earlier though dont whore it out.
Considering almost all of your traffic will be coming from search engines and/or links from your own ad campaigns, you should learn some quality SEO techniques. Free traffic is the best way to go and from a quick glance your site could use some improvement in that field, no offense. Read this article:

There are several tips in there that if you took into account on your site would help you with search engine traffic immensely. That includes no black hat techniques whatsoever, so you won't have to risk getting banned by Google or any other major search engine.
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