Newbie Guide for Lead Generation


New member
Feb 28, 2010
I'm searching through wickedfire for posts on lead gen/sales and there's not much info. Is there a newbie guide for lead gen/sales somewhere, like the newbie guide for affiliate marketing that nickycakes wrote?

What specifically are you looking for in lead gen? Like a how to or how to generate and sell leads, or programs that will pay you per lead?

If you are looking to generate and sell leads, the easiest way is probably CJ. A bunch of their sponsors are now offering CPL programs- some as high as $20 per lead. Most of them are free trial offers that pay you a couple bucks. We are making like $4 per day on constant contact and all I did was write a couple articles and spend some time on seo and link building to those pages.

I estimate that for every hour spent on article writing and seo for these lead generation programs I make $1 per month. So far that has held to be true for the last 18 months or so and now make about $400 per month thru my affiliate programs.
I estimate that for every hour spent on article writing and seo for these lead generation programs I make $1 per month. So far that has held to be true for the last 18 months or so and now make about $400 per month thru my affiliate programs.

umm, ok not trying to be a dick here but you are basically saying that if you write an article and if it continues to get traffic for a whole year you will make $12 for that hour you spent. If that lasted for 2 years you would make a whole $24 for that hour you spent.
umm, ok not trying to be a dick here but you are basically saying that if you write an article and if it continues to get traffic for a whole year you will make $12 for that hour you spent. If that lasted for 2 years you would make a whole $24 for that hour you spent.

Minimum wage FTW!