Newb with a question about Flippa plz help!


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Basically ive searched high and low on a few different forums, WF BHW and Ed Dales 30dc forums and Even a little bit on Lisa's 2creatawebsite forums and i can't find a definitive answer that pleases me so im asking here.

All I want to know is how the :party-smiley-004: do you transfer the website over to someone after they buy it. IDC if its flippa DP or ebay. Here is what ive found so far but im wondering if theres an easier / another way of transfering WORDPRESS blogs than this. WPD is also mentioned but I think most people just use Wp or build their own websites.




Please give your opinon, thanks.

I am not sure why I am not flaming you but it is not clear if you are talking about the trust issue of selling or the actual process of uploading and hosting sites.

The trust is the big issue and I like

Depending on where the domain is registered you will push it to another user.
How to push domain to another GODADDY account ?
etc etc

And the files and content can be transfered any old way. Email, mail CD, ftp them over, give someone a location on a server.
ah, TY, sorry if that was a dumb question, Ive never made a website before. Did I forget to mention that I was a complete noob?

My question was basically how to transfer the website over to the other person. So basically you just transfer the files of your website over via Email, etc. and transfer the domain name servers (DNS) 1&2 over to their hosting provider?

...let the flaming commence

ah, TY, sorry if that was a dumb question, Ive never made a website before. Did I forget to mention that I was a complete noob?

My question was basically how to transfer the website over to the other person. So basically you just transfer the files of your website over via Email, etc. and transfer the domain name servers (DNS) 1&2 over to their hosting provider?

...let the flaming commence
ah, TY, sorry if that was a dumb question, Ive never made a website before. Did I forget to mention that I was a complete noob?

My question was basically how to transfer the website over to the other person. So basically you just transfer the files of your website over via Email, etc. and transfer the domain name servers (DNS) 1&2 over to their hosting provider?

...let the flaming commence

1. Download and zip the site files / databases / whatever else.
2. Email them the buyer the files.
3. Go to where you registered the domain and you will have to fill out the information to "push" the domain to their account. Search your registrars help section for "push domain" or "domain account change" this will explain the domain transfer process.
I suggest building and promoting a simple website yourself before buying one even if you only make peanuts. At a minimum you'll need an appreciation of these skills for when you decide to start buying sites or start outsourcing the tasks involved in building your own.

Most of the sites on flippa look like trash to me. If you find a way to make it work then more power to you.
@CaptainRon, thanks for the heads up. I'd like to start out by saying that i'm really interested in IM/AM /CPA ...Whatever you want to call it these days and I know i'm a newb and thats why im in the newb forum for help. Honestly, why flame I might become the next Nickycakes.

With that said i'd like to say that a year ago I knew nothing about interent marketing or how to make money online but just a few short months ago I started reading these forums and trying out different things. I Knew nothing about how to upload a website or even how to install wordpress.

I was in the same boat as Lemons and yes I read his long ass thread, unfortunately after I had everything set up that I had to learn by myself. I'd like to say I never want to give up on this it sounds crazy the concept of making money online so I hope you guys will give me advice and stuff.

Anyways, for anyone that cares here is where I am at today. I have completed Ed Dales 30dc, Set up a wordpress website blog with a niche, have some adsense and clickbank ads and products on it. Also the blog is automatic. (lol)

I am an Amazon associate but I cannot put products on my blog for some reason because my website name has a copywrite term on it? Whatever...

Have a Plethera of WP themes but don't know where to begin on that (more on that later) and even more WP plugins than anyone could know what to do with. And NO I have not joined any CPA networks yet ACCEPT Pofeckers & CPA lead, if those count. Trying to figure out which direction to go first before signing up for a good one. there are so many ways of making money online its starting to get to be information overload. And finally, Yes I have read Nickycakes noob guide but am leary on ADWORDS...

The main reason I started this thread in the first place was to maybe sell my website if I could get anything out of it on flippa and just wanted to know how to do it but now I am considering changing my mind. (Don't laugh) but I have recently started making money off it. I wasn't trying to all I wanted to do was MAKE A WEBSITE because I didn't know how. And It just happened. Here is what Stimator Claims it is worth. (Doub't I could sell it for that on flippa?)


I'm going to post some pics so hopefully thats ok and I'd like some suggestions maybe if anyone wants to look at my site! I started making a little bit with adsense just recently and I want to know if theres anything I could do with my ads to help my earn more. Here are some recent pics...



^^__ I know its not much but its a start!

Ok, with all that out of the way, here is what I am not asking for. I am not asking for SEO advice. I have plugins and other "guides" for that. I am not asking for BLing tips, I have Scrapebox. My website is ranked as 2-5 on the first page of google depending on what search words are used, and number 1 on yahoo.

All I ask is that maybe someone could give me tips on how to ramp up my Adsense ad revenue if you think my ad placement or size could be changed or anything. and maybe any tips you have for my website.

And to show you my thanks for reading all the way though my newb post I have something for you guys (and girls)... One last pic...

Didn't intend it as a flame, just thought your question so basic that I jumped to a conclusion. I'm very much a noob myself compared to many of the people lurking in the shadows around here. I'm paying attention to any answers you get myself.