New Web2.0 Open Source eCommerce Plattform

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i bet it will suck... like os commerce (or the way better version xt commerce)... you cant just make a big shopping application with all the features like in os commerce or interchance from nowhere...
Tobsn, oscommerce is the worst peice of shit on the planet, its such a mess to muck around with and its bloated. I am internet bitch slapping you for suggesting it.

This looks nice for a certain subset of ecommerce companies but features are going to be lacking for some time I am guessing.
I use ZenCart myself, which works great for my site. It was a MAJOR pain in the butt to figure out how they structured everything so that I could customize it though. Now that I got over the learning curve, the next stores will be a breeze.
The thing is that e-commerce sites must be all-powerful but these guys seem to use this platform already
Yeah, I checked them out after reading this thread. I went there earlier today thinking there would be a download since it is now August but there still is not link. I'm going to keep checking..

I just downloaded OS Commerce the other day and have been toying aroung with customizing the layout, I have a few more steps then it should be fine for me to make templates as I wish.

I looked at them the OS Commerce forks and none of them seemed to offer anything worthwhile over the original, especially when it comes to price. Most of them seem focused on selling you something down the pipe, not really a developer friendly community, that has lots of FREE support and open exchange.

I thought OS Commerce 3.0 would be different, because 2.2, while it is more convenient for me than others still sucks, because of all of the tables. Well low and behold version 3 still uses tables, it wil implement templates but still uses tables for layout.

Total crap.

I was reading the blog of the lead developer and he says now that php5 is "standarized", that the 3.0 of OS Commerce wil lno longer support php 4, and he wants to be on the cutting edge, total waste.

As if web hosting companies are just going up and roll out php 5. I can understand opitmizing for php 5 but dropping support for php 4 is crazy, but at the same time this guy insists on combining presentation with script functionality. To top it off using tables for layouts!!

Cutting edge how about current standards?!

So yeah, I'm anxiously waiting for something and this Magneto might be it. If you guys know something else. Point it out.
So yeah, I'm anxiously waiting for something and this Magneto might be it. If you guys know something else. Point it out.

Since it is called Magento and not Magneto, it might be interesting to order some magnetocommerce domains and crab the folks missspelling it.

But I made the same mistake first time i saw cool magneto :xomunch:
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