New to buying domains


Jul 22, 2008
Guys, hopefully someone can give me a nod in the right direction. I'm looking to buy a few domains with PR but have never bought domains outside of the normal chanels. Im seeing terms like pushed and transfered. My understanding is:

- Pushed is the same as transfered but can only be done if you have an account with the same company the domain is currently registered with.

- Transfered can be done from any registrar to any but takes ages.

Am I correct and as most domains for sale seem to be registered with the same few popular companies am I better off just creating an account with the most popular companies so the domains can just be pushed? Or am I completely missing something here?


Yes, push is within the same domain register (best method). Transfering is transfering between different registers.

It's better to buy from a domain register that allows pushing between accounts sinces it's free and quick. Transfering to another domain register will cost you a an additional year of domain registration and will take a few days.

If the owner of the domain owns just one domain (and the domain register doesn't support pushing) ask if they will just give you the account. Then you can just change the password and take it over. It will save you the transferring costs.
yes, transferring a domain usually costs the 1 year registration fee, but the domain registration is extended by one year so you're actually simply paying the renewal in advance.

pushing is free, just make sure they registrar forces contact details to be updated during a push, in case it doesn't change it to fake details if you don't want to reveal all your details.