New to affiliate marketing - copyright issues, and domain tactics help

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New member
May 6, 2008
Hey all

I'm pretty new to the affiliate marketing space, and have recently set up my first website.

It's nothing major at the moment, but I own the .com and of the product name.

My first question is about copyright. I want to have nice images of the product and its logo on the webpage. Currently i've just nabbed images of other websites and took the logo off the official website. I'm assuming doing this is not great and may infringe copyright?

What is a way around using official images, are there any loop holes where I can use the official images and logos with no copyright issues? because surely conversions will be higher with proper logos on your page.

My second question is about domains. Would you market the .com and the as two separate websites? Or would you simply redirect the to the .com ? I'm really not sure, but if I did market them as separate websites, i'd have to double my link building effort.


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