New Server - Please comment

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New member
Sep 28, 2008
Hey everyone - it's been a long time since I've been on Wickedfire. I am about to purchase a new Dedicated Fully Managed Server from The Planet.

Tell me what you think of this setup:
Xeon 3060 - SATA

Intel Xeon 3060 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor
CentOS Enterprise Linux - 5.x - 32 bit
5 IPs
100 Mbps Uplink
2000 GB Bandwidth
RAID 1 (2 drive min.)
250 GB IDE/SATA HDD - Upgrade
250 GB IDE/SATA HDD - Add On
Alpha Server Monitoring and Security Bundle - Unix
Checkpoint X16 Firewall
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico

This is for an actual website and not a wordpress type site - I can't say what it is for yet, but it's not overkill.


Hey everyone - it's been a long time since I've been on Wickedfire. I am about to purchase a new Dedicated Fully Managed Server from The Planet.

Tell me what you think of this setup:
Xeon 3060 - SATA

Intel Xeon 3060 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor
CentOS Enterprise Linux - 5.x - 32 bit
5 IPs
100 Mbps Uplink
2000 GB Bandwidth
RAID 1 (2 drive min.)
250 GB IDE/SATA HDD - Upgrade
250 GB IDE/SATA HDD - Add On
Alpha Server Monitoring and Security Bundle - Unix
Checkpoint X16 Firewall
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico

This is for an actual website and not a wordpress type site - I can't say what it is for yet, but it's not overkill.


Shit... can I put a domain under that? :p
My business partner was actually considering selling hosting, but in the case of a negative domain it could take down our main site with it.
Hey everyone - it's been a long time since I've been on Wickedfire. I am about to purchase a new Dedicated Fully Managed Server from The Planet.

Tell me what you think of this setup:
Xeon 3060 - SATA

Intel Xeon 3060 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor
CentOS Enterprise Linux - 5.x - 32 bit
5 IPs
100 Mbps Uplink
2000 GB Bandwidth
RAID 1 (2 drive min.)
250 GB IDE/SATA HDD - Upgrade
250 GB IDE/SATA HDD - Add On
Alpha Server Monitoring and Security Bundle - Unix
Checkpoint X16 Firewall
cPanel/WHM with Fantastico

This is for an actual website and not a wordpress type site - I can't say what it is for yet, but it's not overkill.


nice setup, but you should opt for the new dual-core atom procs. you'll notice the difference, believe me.
thanks..I'll ask them about it. Is this something new, because the majority of the hosting companies are pushing xeon.
nice setup, but you should opt for the new dual-core atom procs. you'll notice the difference, believe me.

Are you seriously trying to tell him that an Atom processor is going to be better than a Xeon? You do realize that those dual-core Atom processors were created to be used in netbooks right?
Are you seriously trying to tell him that an Atom processor is going to be better than a Xeon? You do realize that those dual-core Atom processors were created to be used in netbooks right?

Oopsie daisy. I misread and thought OP had a regular ol' P4 2.4Ghz.
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