New - Scrapebox Auto Approve List 13 -Edu, Blog Engine, Wordpress - $35

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Feb 16, 2010
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New Scrapebox Auto Approve list 13.

Cutting to the chase:

List contains 100,000 urls from 2600 domains. Included in those urls/domains is this breakdown:

* BlogEngine – 1000 urls from 109 domains
* Edu and Gov – 35 urls from 14 domains
* WordPress – 86,000 urls from 2300 domains
* Misc (B2Evo and Moveable Type and any not identified by Blog Analyzer) – 13,000 urls from approx. 200 domains.

All are compatible with Scrapebox Fast Poster.

Page Rank runs from N/A – 4.

Of course these are unique from the last Auto Approve lists that I sold. None of the domains or urls in these lists were sold in my prior lists, and none of the domains or urls from my last lists are in these lists.

All of these work in Scrapebox, however this list could be used with any blog commenter that will comment to those platforms.

This list is actual urls and domains that are auto approve comments.

List is available for instant download after payment. Payment is via paypal.

Note: There is a readme file regarding optimal connection settings for these lists, make sure you read it for best results.

Max Copies Sold:

Global Copies sold 48

This list is also being sold eslwhere so the max copies will take that into account and its global copies between all places that will be sold. Not copies per each place.


Normally $35, but for you as a WickedFire members its only $29.

Just enter Discount Code: WickedFire on the purchase page.

Payment Via PayPal

Buy now and Download Immediately:

List 13 - Auto Approve list 13 | Scrapebox Marketplace – loopline

You will be redirected to a download link and the link will be emailed to you.

Use Discount Code: WickedFire

Important Note: If after you purchase, you get redirected to a page that says that the payment processor has not yet notified us of your payment. It just means paypal and the payment service I use (e-junkie) are out of sync for a few seconds. Check your email you used to pay and the link will be in your email

Review Copies:

1 review copy is up for grabs for anyone who has at least 5 iTrader.

Also review copies have been given out to a few trusted members of WickedFire.

i will take a review copy please

EDIT: nevermind, i am not too skilled with SB so i think someone who knows how to use it properly would be able to leave a better review

pls disregard my review copy request
No this is one I scraped myself. Even if it had been one I bought the rights to, I would have made sure it wasn't urls that I had already sold and I would have tested the list myself. However I don't generally buy the rights to lists, I do them my self. More profit margin you know. :D

I have 3 - six core servers with 8GB of Ram and 1Gbps connections and then my home server as well. I run all 4 pretty hard, and you can do a lot with 3000Mbit worth of speed. :)

All Review copies given out.

22 copies sold 26 copies left.
My Review:

We all know that Matt is known for his quality lists' and with that said, I decided to run the first 25k urls with PUBLIC PROXIES. I used 30 threads with a timeout of 90 seconds to accomplish the following:


15,507 successful out of 25,000 = 62% success rate

Keep in mind, I used PUBLIC PROXIES that were already abused by many users. So the above stats are pretty good considering that I didn't have to use PAID proxies to benefit from Matt's list.


13,116 links found out of 15,507 (successful posts) = 85% success rate

Looking at the stats above, people who don't have private proxies can still get the most out of Matt's list. So your only investment would be buying his list and your set to spam away assuming that you already own SB.

So on my next test, I splitted the list into two parts.
Test A - 50k urls
Test B- 25k urls

Test A

I used 30 private proxies, 60 threads and a 90 second timeout to accomplish the following:


42,950 successful out of 49,846 (I had to delete 100+ urls due to an error on my side) = 86% success rate


33,467 links found out of 42,950 (successful posts) = 77% success rate

Test B


20,248 successful out of 25,000 = 81% success rate


16,926 links found out of 20,248 (successful posts) = 84% success rate

I then ran PR of all the links found on Test B:


143 urls in total had a of PR1+

PR4 - 1 url
PR3 - 9 urls
PR2 - 55 urls
PR1 - 78 urls

I also checked the OBL of the urls above:


There were only 10 or so blogs that had an OBL of 500+. The rest were below that amount and it's safe to say that Matt yet again delivers with his quality list.


You can either use public or paid proxies and you will always get a success rate of over 60%. (Obviously, with paid proxies you'll get better results.) IMO, for $29 this is a STEAL and I wouldn't pass this up. Matt has a huge reputation when it comes to scrapebox and selling blogs since he has been doing it for the longest time. Like I've said before, Matt's blogs are always been top notch and that has always been a standard whenever you purchase blogs from him. :)
Sorry for the delay in my rview. You'll have it in a couple hours. My SB is REALLY slow when it comes to posting and I've left it on all last night. Almost done. So far I'm having around a fluctuating 76-80~% success rate.
Its no worries mate, I only have 2 copies left anyway. :) If you still want to post the review though, its all good, it will just always help propel the next list.
I got a review of the list a while back. I'm real sorry about my long-ass delay with the review (Scrapebox got all retarded on me and I had to wait till yesterday to get it reinstalled). Anyways, LL told me I didn't need to leave a review, but whatever, I'd love to make up for my delay. The list was amazing! I got a success rate of 69 (lol) percent using public proxies! Got around 40K backlinks from the list! The .edus in the list were a prize too; Some with extremely low OBL, so it's all good.

9.5/10 list. Loopline has the best lists around everyone! He just opened a new thread for a new list, so you better go get yours before they're gone!
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