New RJ Site

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One of the funniest thing about that guy is that he doesn't look at all like the guy smoking a cigar, he looks like a kid (if I remember correctly).
How come this guy hasn't been discussed or mentioned more here on WF? I heard about him a year ago. He proclaimed himself to be the inventor of arbitrage (He called it the "traffic middleman trick"), but I have a feeling he got the idea from someone before him. :)

Anyway - is he really as big as he claims to be? Or is he the best scammer of all time? I'd like to hear seasoned WF members thoughts on RJ.

RJ if memory serves was never into aff, he was an actor or some shit. Anyway he is good at marketing, did he make 26mill? wtf cares? does he talk about anything that works? don't know, would never give him $.02, does he have any secrets? maybe why don't you buy the ebook and let everyone here have the pdf?
"No cameras, video, or recording devices of any kind will be permitted. This is the ONLY public appearance of RJ's behind-the-scenes genius EVER."

I think thats a invitation for the WickedFire hidden camera..
Yep, Kelly Felix... this is him apparently:


He is rich, and capitalizing on warrior forum types... good for him. lol
I have READ the RJ...

:anon.sml:Ummmm, okkkkkkkaaayyyyy. Confession time. RJ was the first book I ever read on internet marketing and making money online. I read an article about Yanik Silver in Entrepreneur Mag, which lead to learning about the RJ, which was the start of my whole online venture.

Fortunately, I was smart enough to A: recognize that everything in the PDF is actually an advertisement for other affiliate programs he's promoting.


B: DOWNLOAD the eBook for free using BT and a torrent search site.

So I didn't give that asshole a dime. But is it a scam? Well, if you can see through it, and realize that the real money is not in following what this guy says, but what he DOES. Then it'a probably worth the $50 or so it costs.

Is it less moral or scammy or blah blah blah than say arbi or pushing teeth whitening shit or ringtones that mysteriously reverse charge your bill or bottles of crap Hoodia or FREE Ipods or evil evil Cash Now loan shark-esk Payday Advance offers?

I'm going to say no.

But is the Rich Jerk an asshole who should have trouble sleeping at night?

I'm going to say yes.
Hey, hoodia really works. I got a link to a free trial if you don't believe me.

Dude made some serious money, gotta give him that.
Dude made some serious money, gotta give him that.

Not from scratch via the book though. Before releasing the Richjerk he was already making tons of moneyy and had a massive mailing list as well as connections wth other marketers to help promote his book. That why 1000's ricjerk listings appeared overnight in google and yahoo. Not as impressive than if he had done it from scratch.
My apologies if anyone thinks I'm claiming moral superiority over the RJ or anyone on WF. I'm not concerned with "morality", only legality. And sure, downloading torrents is not exactly legal...

I considered it a Robin Hood move. Because I couldn't afford the RJ eBook, or any guide, at the time. Even Credit Card priv were long long gone, bankruptcy, unemployment, etc.
Not from scratch via the book though. Before releasing the Richjerk he was already making tons of moneyy and had a massive mailing list as well as connections wth other marketers to help promote his book. That why 1000's ricjerk listings appeared overnight in google and yahoo. Not as impressive than if he had done it from scratch.

Actually, he has a pretty good story. I don't remember exactly how it goes, but the short version is he was a struggling actor... now he is a rich as shit web marketer, lol
look it is not immoral to sell anything, the person who buys is responsible for there actions. now if you promise that someone will make 1 million dollars a minute from your ebook well that is not selling that is telling a fib!
Agreed ChrisL. And since I've read it, it's safe to say Mr. RJ is a class-A Fibber.
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