New Promo


New member
Mar 13, 2010
Gump Town
I recently signed up to be an affiliate of a product that looked like it had some promise. Well after a short time I checked my LP. Sure enough it had my AFF name at the top and as far as I know my link embedded in the page.

I did some bum marketing to test the waters with it. I Googled the name and I was listed as number one on the first page. There was one other affiliate listed under me and this guy has been promoting by PPC for a week or so now.

My feeling is this promo isn't worth the time to try and promote. What do you guys that have alot of experience read from this ?

Your question is too cryptic to answer. What do you mean your affiliate name was at the top of your lander?
I guess I should have said sales rep name is embedded in the LP. This LP is made and provided by the company that's being promoted.
Do you have any sort of stats for the page? Clicks, click-throughs, conversions (I assume none)? Maybe the keyword that you're ranking for is too obscure and people aren't using it? Maybe the LP is really poor and doesn't render on IE. If you can look at stats you'll be able to start narrowing your search.

Since the LP is company-provided, are they all the same, just with different sales reps' names? If you feel the LP is lacking, maybe check with the company and see if you can tweak it to be more effective?
Do you have any sort of stats for the page? Clicks, click-throughs, conversions (I assume none)? Maybe the keyword that you're ranking for is too obscure and people aren't using it? Maybe the LP is really poor and doesn't render on IE. If you can look at stats you'll be able to start narrowing your search.

Since the LP is company-provided, are they all the same, just with different sales reps' names? If you feel the LP is lacking, maybe check with the company and see if you can tweak it to be more effective?

Yes the LP's are all the same. I did some bum marketing and got 8 whole clicks the first day. I think this product will sell, I just need to work it better and see if it pans out. There are some half way negative reviews of it, but I think I can work that to my advantage.