New Page was listed in SERPS/Disappeared Is this normal, or is something wrong?


newbie taking action
Nov 3, 2008
I am working on a site that is 10 years old and very established. I got a WP blog setup on an extension las week and made a couple of posts. One of the posts listed on page two of google for its keyword within 24 hours, but then disappeared. It has been out of the SERPS for a week now.

Is this normal?

No one can answer this? I know of being sandboxed, but I didnt know if a certain page of a site could be sandboxed, if this is indeed what has happened.

I searched the page in google and it is indexed, just not for the keywords.
I don't think it's sandboxed, just el dance of los Google. Give the page a few weeks and it should bob back up to where it was.

but what does this mean: "I got a WP blog setup on an extension"

Extension? I'm not familiar with this. Do you mean like a subdomain?
So here s an update.

The blog post never came back. But, the new product page that my blog post pointed to is now in the spot the blog post used to be on. That is weird. Both pages are new. Niether have any content in common, other than the anchor text I used to link to the product page.