New MyAds Bidding System


The Freeway Killer
Mar 1, 2009
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Dear Advertiser,

You have been chosen to participate in a beta test for a new bidding system in MyAds.

Instead of getting charged exactly what you bid, you will only be charged just above the closest competitor's bid in order to win that particular impression.

You can now feel confident entering the absolute most you are willing to pay for a click, and know that we will find that click for you at a discount. Having this in place will allow you to focus your attention on constant improvement to other areas of your campaigns (enhancing your creative, testing different targeting options/combinations, etc.) instead of constantly seeking for the right bid.

The only change you will see is that instead of asking for your Bid, we will now ask for your Maximum Bid. You will never be charged more than your Maximum Bid.

At this time, only new campaigns you launch will be run through this new bidding system. We will be converting all of your existing campaigns to the new system shortly. At that time, you will be notified via email once again.

For further reference, visit our FAQ.

The MyAds Team


I was just about to post this, I got the e-mail as well.

I think every ad network should work like this. That's generally how "bidding" works.
They'll screw it up somehow. I have ads with eCPMS of $2+ and they still struggle for 10k impressions, even on non media-buy days.
They'll screw it up somehow. I have ads with eCPMS of $2+ and they still struggle for 10k impressions, even on non media-buy days.

That's ridiculous. Have you tried bidding CPM in the $0.80-$0.90 range? That usually get things going pretty fast.

I think MySpace is just really scared of "wasting" impressions so they trickle them in if you're bidding CPC just to make sure they're not going to lose out (pussies).
No way am I bidding that high on CPM. I've done up to .50 on CPM, and I'll get tons of impressions to a .01% CTR. Even on the same placements, the CTR is dead. No idea what is going on.
No way am I bidding that high on CPM. I've done up to .50 on CPM, and I'll get tons of impressions to a .01% CTR. Even on the same placements, the CTR is dead. No idea what is going on.

In order to pull it off you have to go and block a lot of the placements. MySpace seems to have certain ones it show shows you on when doing CPC that get higher CTR and conversions. When you bid in the .45-.50 CPM range it shows your ad on other ones.

There are a few in particular that ALWAYS have super low CTRs. If you block those, you can increase your bid so it will start showing your ads on the good placements (i.e. the ones it shows when you bid CPC).
My CTR is always higher with CPC. Gotta jack budgets and watch it closely to get decent traffic. Targeting interests, channels, is the only way I've been able to profit well. Always try to get at least 1M audience if not 2-3 but I'm still learning.
They'll screw it up somehow. I have ads with eCPMS of $2+ and they still struggle for 10k impressions, even on non media-buy days.

1) It's amazing how consistently they manage to screw up their ad-serving algorithms so they fail to serve high-performing ads. All of their cute latest marketing initiatives like giving out vouchers to thousands of ShoeMoney's disciples are really in vain as long as they don't get some good programmers to fix their broken ad-serving algos.

2) And if they're gonna sell lion's share of the inventory to media buys - why even have a self-serve system? Why should we bother with it? You sold out the inventory to branders? Great, good for you. Stop bothering us then with your "please use our system!" e-mails.

Hey Shoemoney, I know you're reading this, and apparently you're "consulting" them on "MyAds". Well, get them in here, if you really want to help them.
I'd like to spend a lot of money with them, but their method of deciding how to send traffic is too maddening to make it worthwhile.

I pay for clicks - you send clicks. At least enough for a test.

WTF Myspace!?

If they had their stuff together Myspace would still be a cash machine.
I was told if you bid cpc and can get an ad over .35 ecpm, your ad will get some volume. I had an ad pulling close to a $1 ecpm after 20k impressions or so and I still couldn't get any volume. Most fucked up ad platform I've ever used.
lol if anyone is thinkin of goin the cpm route on myads, good luck. their system is designed so if you run cpm it pushes traffic to all their shitty clicky sites that dont perform.

cpc is the only way to go. if you need a contact there to help you out, pm me. chances are he will make your shit work
lol if anyone is thinkin of goin the cpm route on myads, good luck. their system is designed so if you run cpm it pushes traffic to all their shitty clicky sites that dont perform.

True, but you can block those and keep the good ones and in many instances get much lower CPCs bidding CPM.
I'm with you guys, MyAds is pointless as shit at the moment. I spent in the mid xxx,xxx's with them last year and would have loved to do it again. It seems like their inventory is typically eaten up by movie releases and media related branding, makes sense when you consider their ownership.
Awesome news, guys. They just stopped a bunch of my campaigns for being duplicate. So I was bothering with their broken system (don't ask why, I'm a bit of a masochist?) and tried to get some volume with multiple campaigns. Well, they apparently didn't like that.

"We have stopped your campaign ------ for the following reason: Duplicate Campaign (-------). If you have any questions regarding this notification, please feel free to contact us."

Can someone please send these people a clue?